Year of Competition: 2011
Grant amount: $400
Project Duration: Single Year
Type of Report: Annual
Period Covered: January 1 - December 31, 2012
Description of Activity:
MathLink is now running for the 5th year. Classes are held on Wednesday nights 6:00-7:30pm, on campus at Carleton University, September to beginning of April (with a break in December). In 2012/13 academic year I am on sabbatical, and while I am away, classes are held bi-weekly. This Math Enrichment program is geared towards high school students in grades 9-10, but there are bright younger students who participate as well (as young as grade 6). There are 15-40 students attending.
We cover a multitude of topics that are of interest to studens, like
sequences and patterns, vector geometry, constructions with a ruler and straightedge, Pascal's triangle, Newton's binomial formula, combinatorics, introduction to cryptography and error correcting codes and more. The meetings are very informal, and we often discuss topics "by request of the audience". We change topics on a regular basis, so that new students may join at any time. Important thing is to discuss interesting mathematics. Undoubtedly the students benefit from this program (and enjoy it!).
Assessment of Effectiveness:
This project is aimed at bringing up the next generation of Canadian mathematicians (and scientists). Students are exposed to numerous interesting topics that they do not get to see in high school. In my opinion, this project is effective.
Future Plans (if any):
We plan to continue MathLink in the future.
Revenue: | |
CMS Endowment Grant | $400 |
Expenses: | |
Printing of 500 posters: | $400.00 |
Balance: | $0 |
Contact Name: Yuly Billig
[September 13, 2012]