Title of Project: Mathematical Performance Contest
Year of Competition: 2007
Grant amount: $4,000
Project Duration: Single Year
Type of Report: Final
Period Covered: December 2007 to June 2008
Description of Activity:
The Mathematical Performance Contest (now called the Math Performance Festival) invited students and teachers across Canada to submit mathematical performances by the end of June 2008. Adjudication took place during July-September and winners will soon be announced. The Festival website is www.MathFest.ca
Assessment of Effectiveness:
The Festival also attracted support from Fields ($20,000) and the Faculty of Education, UWO ($30,000).
Festival posters were created in English, French and Inuktitut, and a set of 3 posters was sent to every elementary school across Canada.
We had over 300 students participate. We expect greater participation this year, as we are announcing the Festival in the Fall (rather than in February).
Gadanidis, G., Gerofsky, S. & Hughes, J. (2008). A public celebration of mathematics. Ontario Mathematics Gazette 47(1), 13-20. Gadanidis, G. (May 2008). Students as Performance Mathematicians. New Brunswick Elementary Teachers? Association Conference. Gadanidis, G. (February 2008). Mathematical Performance. Ontario Association for Mathematics Education Leadership Conference.
Future Plans (if any):
The Festival will continue in 2008-9 with funding from Fields and UWO.
The $4,000 received from CMS was spent as follows:
- 200 for (partial) cost of medals for award winners
- 3800 for (partial) cost of a Programmer to maintain and refine the Math Performance Festival Portal during 2008
Contact Name: George Gadanidis
[September 29, 2008]