Title of Project: MathLink - enrichment program for high school students

Year of Competition: 2007, 2008

Grant amount: $500

Project Duration: Single Year

Type of Report: Annual

Period Covered: 2007-2009

Description of Activity:
MathLink is a Math enrichment program for high school students in grades 9-10. It runs on a weekly basis at Carleton University.

Assessment of Effectiveness:
MathLink provides opportunity for high school students to see mathematics beyond the high school curriculum, and brings together students who enjoy doing mathematics. It has been very successfull, with 20-30 students participating each week.

Future Plans (if any):
This year we have expanded and introduced a Math Enrichmant program for students in grades 11-12, "Mathematics for Success!".

Endowment Grant amount: $500
No other funding was received.

The grant was received in 2007 competition. No funds were spent in 2007-2008. In 2008 competition, the grant was renewed for another year (with no additional funding).

Expenditures: $358.50 - design, printing and mailing of posters

Balance remaining: $141.50

Contact Name: Yuly Billig

[October 16, 2009]