Title of Project: Canadian Virtual Math Trail

Year of Competition: 2001

Grant amount: $3,000 per annum

Project Duration: Multi-Year

Type of Report: Annual

Period Covered: January 1, 2003 to December 31, 2003

Description of Activity:
The Canadian Math Trail is a web environment into which students, teachers, classes and schools from across Canada are invited to submit a math trail of their own surroundings

Assessment of Effectiveness:
Work on the Trail was focused on simplifying the submission procedures and on getting a Trail from every Province and Territory in Canada. Over the summer, the submission procedure was simplified. This was completed by a computer science student with data base programming experience. Two students with Mathematics and Education background worked on trails and supported the development and integration of trails from other areas. There are now 6 trails from British Columbia, 1 trail from Saskatchewan, 7 trails from Ontario, 1 trail from Quebec, 1 trail for Newfoundland and Labrador. Trails under construction will be from the Yukon, the North West Territories, and another from Saskatchewan. It has been a great experience for all the students who have worked on this project. Substantial additional funding was generated for the project.

Future Plans (if any):
Plans included generating trails from the Provinces and Territories that are presently not included. There is the need to plan for an official launch of the site using posters to Canadian schools and the use of other sites such as School Net.

All the monies were spent on student salaries. From January to April a student was paid on an hourly basis for bits of work. The real work was accomplished in the summer when there were the equivalent of two students working full time on the project. One student was paid to stay on for an additional eight weeks during the months of September to December.


CMS Endowment Fund$3,000
NSERC Promoscience$12,000
Others (Brock, Provincial and Federal)$5,000

Expenses (student employment):

January 1 to April 30$407.43
May 1 to December 31$19,592.80

Contact Name: Eric Muller

[March 25, 2004]