Title of Project: Canadian Virtual Math Trail

Year of Competition: 2001

Grant amount: $3,000

Project Duration: Multi-Year

Period Covered: to September 1, 2002

Description of Activity:
The grant is supporting the continuing development of the Canadian Virtual Math Trail. This Trail aims to encourage students to look for and discover mathematics in their environment and to communicate their actvities to students and schools across Canada.

This year a complete revision and standardization of the submission process was completed, the extensive documentation is still under development. The quality of the French version of the Math Trail was substantially improved and the hard copy version of the ICME 7 Quebec City Math Trail was completely redone for the internet medium. Various other improvements were completed in the presentation, information, etc.

Assessment of Effectiveness:
It is early to look for evidence of effectiveness. The trail is a long term project and an extensive advertizing campaign, to inform every school in Canada, is just under development. From the point of view of the ten students that have worked on the trail in the last two years, the training was a unique opportunity to view mathematics in a very different light.

The results can be viewed at The project did attract other support: $12,000 from NSERC, and $6,300 from Human Resources Canada and the Brock University Experience Works Program. CMS should recognise that no overhead was paid for my time, administrative and technical support, extensive use of computers, additional software, student trips to various sites, etc.

Future Plans:
The Canadian Math Trail now needs to be launched. An administrator will have to be in place to help students and schools submit and review their work. Other specific trails are under consideration.

The funds have all been used for student employment. Clearly the $3000 from the Endowment Fund, although a small percentage of the total costs, are a very important contribution that clearly indicates the support and importance of this project to the Canadian Mathematical Society.

Contact Name: Eric Muller

[September 27, 2002]