Year of Competition: 2001
Grant amount: $5000
Project Duration: Multi-Year
Type of Report: Annual
Period Covered: 2003
Description of Activity:
The grant is to fund two additional regional Math Camps (for High School students). The two New Camps are at the University of Manitoba and the University of PEI. These two camps were first held in 2002, the first year of this Grant.
The CMS has been sponsering Math Camps since 1998. The program has expanded from one camp in 1998 to 14 in 2003. These 14 include a National Camp, and the two new camps.
Assessment of Effectiveness:
Reports by camp organizers are available from the CMS office. The two new camps appear to be as succesful as the the other camps have been.
The camps all have other sources of funding such as the host university, local governements. Money administered by the CMS covers about 1/3-1/2 of the total cost of the camps.
Future Plans (if any):
It is hoped that the camp program will continue to expand.
Reports, including financial statements, for the new camps (as well as the others) are available from the CMS office.
Unused money (if any) is carried forward to the next years camp.
Contact Name: Daryl Tingley
[April 15, 2004]