Year of Competition: 2001
Grant amount: $5000
Project Duration: Multi-Year
Type of Report: Annual
Period Covered: 2002
Description of Activity:
The grant is to fund two additional Math Camps.
The CMS has been sponsering Math Camps since 1998.
The program has expanded from one camp in 1998 to 13 in 2002.
These 13 include a National Camp, and the two new camps
(that is, camps at Universities that had not held a prior camp).
The two new camps are at the University of Manitoba and UPEI.
Assessment of Effectiveness:
Reports by camp organizers are available from the CMS office. The two
new camps appear to be as succesful as the the other camps have been.
Future Plans (if any):
As the ex chair of the Math Competitions Committee, the committee
that initiated the camps, I will say that the intent has always
been that the camps will be a continuing project of the CMS.
By showing what a succesful program the camps are, we hope to be
able to find more sponsers.
Manitoba Camp: The organizers have included a detailed statement of
Revenue and expense in their report. The Camp cost was over $8000, the
Endowment fund covered 3750 of the cost.
We do not yet have as detailed a report for the UPEI camp. The Endowment fund contributed $1000, and their expected budget was $2700. The expected budget is in line with other camps of about the same size.
Any surplus money will be carried forward to the next camp. The grant was for $5000. The remaining $250 was used for Tee-shirts for the 40 students at the two new camps. (The CMS office organizes and pays for the the Tee shirts )
Contact Name: Daryl Tingley
[October 10, 2002]