by Bruce Shawyer
We requested an Endowment Fund Grant for the development of a WEB site for the Newfoundland and Labrador Senior Mathematics League. We did not spend the entire amount of the grant in the first year, because of other funding we were able to obtain, using the leverage provided by the CMS. We will be spending the money in 2000 and maybe in 2001 to make further progress on the site, so this report should be viewed as an interim one. We employed a Memorial University student, Alasdair Graham, for summer 2000 to do the necessary work. He surpassed his own expectations, and with some assistance from our department's Systems Manager, has produced a preliminary version of the site, that makes the ``games'' available to any school in Newfoundland and Labrador that registers. The address is mleague/game1.html We invite members of the CMS to try this out (we welcome comments and criticism). In order to do so, they should e-mail me at and I will send them a username and password for temporary access.
Should this method of making a cooperative mathematics competition available to more schools prove successful, and should the computer facilities at Memorial University prove to be sufficient, then we will be able to make this available across Canada (and even beyond).