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Barry Monson - Realizations of regular abstract polytopes
BARRY MONSON, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick E3B 5A3, Canada |
Realizations of regular abstract polytopes |
A regular abstract polytope is a poset having the
`essential' structural features of the face lattice of a regular
polytope, including transitivity of
on flags. Other
examples include regular tessellations and honeycombs, star-polyhedra
and many less familiar beasts. Since
need not actually be
a lattice or have a particularly nice geometric realization, it is
interesting to describe all realizations for
. The
basic theory of realizations was developed by McMullen (1989), who
geometric methods to describe a crucial family of real representations
After an explicit, but brief, description of these objects, I will discuss work with Asia Ivic Weiss, in which we construct families of regular polytopes parametrized by certain rings of algebraic integers. Typically, our understanding of the realization cones for these polytopes is very limited.

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