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Universal Algebra and Multiple-Valued Logic / Algèbre universelle et logique multi-valuée
L. Haddad, Organizer
- Clifford Bergman - Complexity of some problems in universal algebra
- Jie Fang - Ockham algebras with pseudocomplementation
- Ibrahim Garro - An application of non-wellfounded sets to infinite valued infinitary propositional calculus
- George Grätzer - Independence Theorems for automorphism groups and congruence lattices of lattices
- Jennifer Hyndman - Dualizable is not the same as fully dualizable
- Benoit Larose - Projective graphs and Hedetnyemi's conjecture
- Jonathan Leech - Noncommutative lattices: foundational issues and recent results
- Robert W. Quackenbush - Varieties of binary linear codes
- I. G. Rosenberg - Completeness for uniformly delayed circuits
- Ross Willard - Independence of the linear commutator