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3) Set Theoretic Topology/Topologie des ensembles

(Org: Juris Steprans, Steve Watson)

Murray Bell (University of Manitoba) Cardinal functions of centered spaces

Maxim Burke (University of Prince Edward Island) Continuous functions which take a somewhere dense set of values on every open set

Krzysztof Cielsielski (West Virginia University) Each Polish space is cocompactly quasimetrizable

Wistar Comfort (Wesleyan University) Continuos cross sections on Abelian groups equipped with a Bohr Topology

Ilijas Farah (York University) Exp(N*) need not be an N*-image

Douglas Grant (University College of Cape Breton) Alternative universes: the role of set theory in topological algebra

Gary Gruenhage (Auburn University) More on alpha-Toronto spaces

Melvin Henriksen (Harvey Mudd College) Embedding a ring of continuous functions in a regular ring; preliminary report

James Hirschorn (University of Toronto) Towers of measurable functions

Valery Miskin (Kemerovo State University) Set ideals everywhere

Justin Moore (University of Toronto) A linearly fibered Souslinean space under Martin's axiom

Eduardo Santillan (UNAM - Mexico) Topological properties of removable singularities for analytic functions

Alexander Shibakov (Tennessee Technological University) Controlling sequential order in topological vector spaces

Slawomir Solecki (Indiana University) Polish group actions and measures

Paul Szeptycki (Ohio University) Normality and property (a)

Andrzej Szymanski (Slippery Rock University of Pennylvania) On a class of special Namioka spaces

Franklin Tall (University of Toronto) The topology of elementary submodels

Murat Tuncali (Nipissing University) On Generalizations of the Hahn-Mazurkiewicz Theorem

Ed Tymchatyn (University of Saskatchewan) Measures and topological dynamics on Menger manifolds

Grant Woods (University of Manitoba) Recent Developments in Rings of Continuous Functions

Eduardo Santillan (York University, Cinvestav, Mexico) Topological properties of removable singularities for analytic functions

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