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1) Differential Geometry and Global Analysis / Géométrie différentielle et analyse globale

(Org: Muang Min-Oo, McKenzie Wang)

Igor Belagradek (McMaster University) Pinching and Pontrjagin classes

Christoph Böhm (McMaster University) Inhomogenous Einstein metrics on spheres

Jeffrey Boland (McMaster University) Magnetic fields on negatively curved manifolds

Virginie Charette (University of Maryland) Properly discontinous actions of free groups on Minkowski space

Jingyi Chen (University of British Columbia) Triholomorphic curves and complex ASD connections

Ailana Fraser (Stanford University) On the free boundary variational problem for minimal disks

Mike Gage (University of Rochester) Remarks on B. Süssman's proof of the Banchoff-Pohl inequality

Miroslav Lovric (McMaster University) Multivariate normal distributions parametrized as a Riemannian symmetric space

Mohan Ramachandran (SUNY)

Patrick Ryan (McMaster University) Real hypersurfaces in complex space forms

Patrice Sawyer (Laurentian University) Ghostly symmetric spaces

Alina Stancu (Courant Institute) Asymptotoic behaviour of a crystalline evolution

John Toth (McGill University)

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