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Extremal Combinatorics / Combinatoire extrémale
(Org: D. de Caen)
Richard Anstee (University of British Columbia) Small forbidden configurations
Jason Brown (Dalhousie University) The inducibility of complete bipartite graphs
Ralph Faudree (University of Memphis) Anti-Ramsey Colorings in several rounds
David Fisher (University of Colorado) The minimum number of triangles in a graph
Jerrold Griggs (University of South Carolina) Extremal graphs with bounded densities of small subgraphs
Penny Haxell (University of Waterloo) Integer and fractional packings in dense graphs
Felix Lazebnik (University of Delaware) On a class of algebraically defined graphs
Laszlo Székely (University of South Carolina) Some new Erdös-Ko-Rado type problems
Bing Zhou (Trent University) Extremal graphs related to star chromatic number and fractional chromatic number