
Mathematics Education
Org: Walter Whiteley (York) [PDF]
- MALGORZATA DUBIEL, Simon Fraser University, Department of Mathematics,
8888 University Drive, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6
Evolution of Math for Elementary Teachers course at SFU
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SFU has been offering Math 190, Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
course for over 20 years. The course has been evolving over the
years, from one focussed on set theory interpretations and proving
algebraically rules and properties of operations, towards one that
stresses students' understanding of concepts and problems, and
appreciation of mathematics as a discipline. Group work, projects and
mathematical investigations have become integral part of the students'
experience. However, the course is still very much "under
construction", exploring ways to provide students with a meaningful
experience that will, hopefully, help them became better teachers of
- FRÉDERIC GOURDEAU, Université Laval, Québec
Mathematics for teaching: the case of Université Laval
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The integrated 4-year degree leading to the bachelor in education,
option mathematics, comprises a mixture of standard mathematics
courses (linear algebra, calculus) and many specially designed
mathematics courses. In this talk, I will describe the main features
of those courses.
- KATHY KUBOTA-ZARIVNIJ, TDCSB; Ministry of Education
- LOUIS LIM, York Region District School Board
Incorporating the History of Mathematics in High School
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Since practice teaching, Louis has shared specific instances of
incorporating the history of mathematics in grades 9-12 mathematics
with his students. In this talk, examples are provided on connecting
mathematics and history, along with resources identified. Questions
explored will include: Should there be specific expectations in the
curriculum documents that make reference to the history of mathematics
in the next round of revisions? How do classroom teachers gain
knowledge of the rich history in mathematics? Can the history of
mathematics (including non-European mathematics) help shape students'
attitudes and nature of mathematics?
- JOHN PERCY, University of Toronto at Mississauga, 3359 Mississauga Road,
Mississauga, ON, L5L 1C6, Canada
Undergraduate Science/Math Education Programs at the
University of Toronto at Mississauga
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During the last decade, I have built up a set of courses and programs
in science (including math) education for undergraduates at the
University of Toronto at Mississauga. SCI398Y is a core course in
science education, designed to introduce education as a discipline, a
possible career, and as a part of the subject in which the student is
majoring. SCI499H is a fourth-year science education project course
in which students create reports, resources, and events which benefit
UTM and its community. SCI498H (Teaching Opportunity Program in the
Sciences) enables students to facilitate student learning at the
introductory post-secondary level, under the supervision and
mentorship of a faculty member-not as "the sage on the stage" but
as "the guide on the side". These courses can be taken as part of a
Science Education minor program which students can combine with their
other programs. The Early Teacher Program guarantees students
admission to the BEd program (Science or Math) at OISE/UT if they meet
five stringent requirements. In 2007, we will inaugurate a Concurrent
BSc/BEd Teacher Education Program in science and math at UTM, in
partnership with OISE/UT. Many of the students in these courses and
programs also participate in science outreach programs for schools and
the public. In this paper, I will reflect on the past, present, and
future of these courses and programs, with some emphasis on students
in the mathematical sciences.
- KATHRYN STEWART, York Region School Board
- TARA TAYLOR, St. Francis Xavier University, Antigonish, Nova Scotia,
Math and Service Learning: Bringing Math to the Community
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What is service learning? How can we bring a service learning
component into math classes? Why is service learning a valuable
component? This presentation will attempt to answer these questions.
MATH 100 (Mathematical Concepts) is a course intended for students
wishing to go on to an education degree, and is required for the
elementary education stream at StFX. This is the first year that the
course includes a service learning option, so the presentation will
report on how this is going. Students who choose to do the option
decide on a community group (school classroom, cub scouts, adult ed. upgrading group, etc.) and an activity that includes some
mathematical aspects and is both appropriate and relevant for the
community group.
After the activity is planned and done with the chosen community
group, the students reflect on their activity in a written report and
an oral presentation to the class. The goal of the presentation is to
stimulate discussion about service learning in math and to encourage
other educators to consider service learning for their math courses.
- WALTER WHITELEY, York University, Toronto, Ontario
Programs in Mathematics for Future Teachers
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In many universities, an important cohort of mathematics majors are
preparing to teach mathematics at the secondary level. Increasingly,
research and discussions in Mathematics Education are identifying
specific courses, and specific processes which should be included in
the undergraduate programs of future teachers. In 2002, a working
group at the Canadian Mathematics Education Study Group identified
some key content and pedagogical features to be included within such
programs. (The link
has a download of this report.)
In this session, we will approach the topic from two directions:
- descriptions of courses for future teachers of mathematics,
currently offered, or being designed, in Mathematics (and Science)
- reflections by classroom teachers about lessons that they
wish they had learned in their own undergraduate programs in
I will begin the session with a short review of these CMESG
recommendations and an introduction of the speakers for the day. I
will bookend the session with a presentation of the new Mathematics
for Education program at York University (see the link above). I will
discuss our plans for our redesigned capstone course for the program:
Topics in Mathematics Education. Rather than focus on specific
material to be mastered, this course will focus on processes, such as
group work, open ended investigations, expanded proofs as `convincing
arguments', the process of `unpacking' concepts and problems, and
reflections on the practice and learning of mathematics.
We plan to provide ample opportunity for discussion during the day.