


Abstracts - listed by speaker Abstracts are displayed on the website for information only and are
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Abstracts will appear on the website within 10 working days of the
date of submission.
- Allison, Bruce - Coordinate algebras for extended affine Lie algebras of rank 1
- Anshelevich, Michael - Free martingale polynomials
- Aruliah, Dhavide - Fast solvers for electromagnetic problems in geophysical regimes
- Barr, Michael - Reminiscences of category theory and Homological algebra
- Beamish, Dan - Analysis of delayed feedback arm movement
- Behrend, Kai - Quantum Cohomology and the virtual fundamental class
or ``how to count properly''
- Bélair, Jacques - Oscillations in drug administration: modeling pharmacokinetics by
incorporating spatial effects
- Benkart, Georgia - Two-parameter quantum groups
- Berman, Stephen - Half lattice VOA's and toroidal algebras
- Biskri, Ismail - Combinatory logic, categorial grammar and natural language
processing in the framework
of applicative and cognitive grammar
- Bloch, Anthony - The geometry and analysis of symmetric and discrete rigid body
- Bogoyavlenskij, Oleg - New symmetries of the magnetohydrodynamics equilibrium equations
- Borwein, Jonathan - Aesthetics for the working mathematican
- Bozejko, Marek - Deformed free probability of Voiculescu
- Brenken, Berndt - Hilbert bimodules and Cuntz-Krieger algebras
- Bridge, Lloyd - A one-dimensional study of condensation in a porous medium
- Buono, Pietro-Luciano - Bifurcations in reversible equivariant dynamical systems
- Burris, Stan - Boole's equational treatment of particular statements
- Butscher, Adrian - The conformal constraint equations
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Rings of oscillators with delayed coupling
- Cao, Yongqiang - Neural network for data mining
- Chen, Imin - Elliptic curves with non-split mod 11 representation
- Chen, Yu - Minimal representations of affine Kac-Moody groups
- Chen, Yuming - Discrete Lyapunov functionals and symmetry
- Choi, Man-Duen - The norm estimate for the sum of two matrices
- Choksi, Rustum - On some recent methods for capturing multiple scales in
material microstructures
- Cojocaru, Monica - Dynamical study of solutions to variational inequalities and
complementarity problems
- Colliander, Jim - Ill-posedness for defocussing NLS
- Corvino, Justin - Scalar curvature deformation and applications
- Cummins, Chris - Modular equations and moonshine
- Daskalopoulos, Panagiota - Gauss curvature flow with flat sides: all time regularity
of the interface
- Davidson, Ken - A Perron-Frobenius theorem for completely positive maps
- DeBello, Joan and Ronald Sklar - Woody Bledsoe's people-oriented approach to automated theorem proving
- Demaine, Erik - History of geometric constructions by paper folding
- Dionne, Benoit - Heteroclinic cycles and wreath product symmetries
- Elliott, George - An amenable properly infinite C*-algebra with a
full finite projection
- Enekel, Robert - Fast pseudorandom number generation: mathematical innovation and
architectural exploitation
- Fan, Lisa and Brien McGuire - An overview of an undergraduate student mentoring program
- Field, David - Assessing the quality of triangulation
- Filali, Mahmoud - On minimal idempotents in LUC(G)* and in similar algebras
- Floricel, Remus - Inner endomorphisms for von Neumann algebras
- Franz, Uwe - Free Lévy processes on dual groups
- Fraser, Ailana - The fundamental group of manifolds with positive isotropic
- Friendly, Michael - The graphical works of Charles Joseph Minard
- Frigaard, Ian - Non-Newtonian displacement flows in the cementing of oil wells
- Gallant, Charles - Mathematics B.C.-when dinosaurs roamed the earth
- Gannon, Terry - The character of VOAs
- Gannon, Terry - Generalised Moonshine
- Golubitsky, Martin - Oscillations in coupled systems and animal gaits
- Goodman, Fred - Free probability of type B
- Grantcharov, Dimitar - A classification of the irreducible weight sl(n|1)-modules
- Guan, Bo - Regularity of pluricomplex Green functions
- Gustafson, Steve - Effective dynamics of magnetic vortices
- Guta, Madalin - On a class of generalised Brownian motions
- Hamel, Angele - Allowable Pairs and Labeled Trees: A Leaf-Preserving Bijection
- Hang, Fengbo - Density problem for Sobolev mappings
- Haskins, Mark - Singularities of special Lagrangian 3-folds
- Heinrich, Katherine - ``and nothing else has quite the kick of mathematics''
- Hurd, Tom - Martingales and their role in mathematical finance
- Ismail, Mourad - Some combinatorial statistics associated with the
Rogers-Ramanujan identities
- Jakobson, Dima - Spectra of elements in the group ring of SU(2)
- Jerrard, Robert - Vortex density models
- Jung, Kenley - Free entropy dimension computations
- Junge, Marius - Martingale inequalities for noncommutative martingales
- Jurdjevic, Velimir - S. Kowalewski and the mathematical legacy of the top
- Klein, Moses - Set-theoretic perspectives on subgroups of Zw
- Knopf, Dan - Rotationally symmetric shrinking and expanding gradient
Kähler-Ricci solitons
- Kochman, Stanley - Maple labs for calculus
- Köstler, Claus - Inequalities for continuous non-commutative martingales
- Kribs, David - Weighted shifts on Fock space
- Lambek, Jim - The number systems in Greek philosophy
- LeBlanc, Victor G. - Forced symmetry-breaking for spiral waves
- Lewis, Gregory - Double Hopf bifurcations in the differentially heated rotating
fluid annulus
- Liang, Dong - Numerical modelling of a 2D moving liquid drop/bubble on
a solid surface
- Lin, Yanan
- Liu, Weijiu - Stabilization, controllability and
observability for electromagnetic fields in
dissipative material regions
- Lovric, Miroslav - Old math textbooks-Why did we abandon them?
- Marcoux, Laurent - Conjugation invariant subspaces of non-selfadjoint operator
- McGuire, Brien and Lisa Fan - An overview of an undergraduate student mentoring program
- McKay, John - Two hundred years of Moonshine-from Gauss to the present day
- Melville, Duncan - Categories of representations for quantum affine algebras and
certain subalgebras
- Milson, Robert - Invariant modules and dynamical symmetries of non-linear
evolution equations
- Mingarelli, Angelo - The golden section in early renaissance Italian art
- Mingo, James - Self-similarity of Hofstadter's butterfly
- Mini-symposium
- Musat, Magdalena - Non-commutative BMO and John-Nirenberg theorem
- Nagata, Wayne - Reaction-diffusion models of growing plant tips: bifurcations
on hemispheres
- Neher, Erhard - Locally finite root systems
- Ng, Nathan - Limiting distributions and zeros of Artin L-functions
- Norton, Simon - Counting nets in the Monster
- Ockendon, John - Simulating mathematics in industry
- Oellermann, Ortrud R. - Bipartite rainbow Ramsey numbers
- Pang, Peter - Nonlinear Schroedinger flows and equations
- Patrick, George W. - Stability of relative equilibria-noncompact symmetry
and nongeneric momentumm
- Pianzola, Arturo - Local triviality and infinite dimensional Lie algebras
- Pimm, David - Interactions between language and mathematics: fluency,
understanding and time
- Promislow, Keith - Front dynamics in PEM fuel cells
- Pugh, Mary - Long-time results for thin film equations
- Putnam, Ian - Recent results on orbit equivalence for Cantor minimal systems
- Radin, Michael - Boundedness and periodicity nature of positive
solutions of a max-type difference equation x[n+1] = max1/x[n], A[n]/x[n-1]
- Ratzkin, Jesse - An end to end gluing contstruction for constant mean curvature
- Robinson, Don - Anomaly cancellation in the standard model of particle physics
- Rotman, Rina - The length of a shortest closed geodesic
- Ruan, Shigui - Global dynamics of a ratio-dependent predator-prey system
- Ruan, Zhong-Jin - Approximation properties of non-commutative Lp spaces associated
with discrete groups
- Ruoff, Dieter - An inventory of topics which belong to elementary
hyperbolic geometry
- Ryan, Dan - Flow of a visco-plastic fluid in a wavy walled channel
- Sakakibara, Nobuhisa - Stieltjes moment problems on abelian *-semigroups
- Samaey, Giovanni - Numerical computation of connnecting orbits in delay
differential equations
- Schilling, Anne - String functions, q-supernomials and a bijection between
riggings and ribbons
- Schoen, Richard - Constructing calibrated submanifolds
- Schwendeman, Donald - Multiphase flow in a roll press nip: modeling and computations
- Sebbar, Abdellah - On the Moonshine congruence groups
- Seco, Luis - Mathematical finance: past, present and future
- Session A - Questions explored
- Session B - Answers sought
- Shimozono, Mark - Combinatorics of affine crystals and nilpotent varieties
- Sklar, Ronald and Joan DeBello - Woody Bledsoe's people-oriented approach to automated theorem proving
- Sniatycki, Jedrzej - Non-holonomic singular reduction
- Spring, David - The golden age of immersion theory in topology: 1959-1973
- Stefan, Marius - Applications of free entropy to certain type II1-subfactors
- Stockie, John - Modelling condensation in porous media
- Suceava, Bogdan - Riemannian obstructions to minimal isometric immersions in Euclidean
- Timorin, Vladen - Four dimensional geometry of circles
- Tourin, Agnes - Optimal glider flying
- van Wijngaarden, W.A. - History of lasers
- Voiculescu, Dan - Free entropy
- Westbrook, Rex - Sag bending
- Wetton, Brian - Dynamical contact angle of a drop in steady state motion
- Yamada, Sumio - Harmonic mappings into Teichmueller spaces
- Yong, Alexander - On Quantum cohomology for the Grassmannian
- Yoshii, Yoji - Root systems extended by an abelian group G, and the
classification of Lie G-tori of type B
- Young, Carmen - Another look at Gromov compactness in dimension 4
- Yui, Noriko - Mirror moonshine phenomenon: examples
- Zabrocki, Mike - A quantization of non-commutative symmetric functions
- Zhao, Kaiming - Quantum differential operator algebras
- Zhao, Xiaoqiang - Fisher waves in an epidemic model
- Ziarko, Wojciech - Rough sets: the origins and current status
- Zou, Xingfu - Monotonicity jointly induced by delay and non-local
effect in a population model