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Nabil Sayari - The reducibilty of surgered 3-manifolds and great Scharlemann cycles

NABIL SAYARI, Département de Mathématiques, Université de Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec  H2X 3Y7, Canada
The reducibilty of surgered 3-manifolds and great Scharlemann cycles

We are interested in the following question: can a reducible manifold K(r) be obtained by a Dehn surgery on a nontrivial knot K? It is conjectured that only pq-Dehn surgery on nontrivial (p,q)-cable knots gives a reducible manifold. In the talk we consider this question using the techniques that Gordon and Luecke developped for the knot complement problem. The idea is to analyse the intersection of two planar surfaces P and Q properly embedded in the exterior of the knot K. This gives two planar graphs GP and GQ. When K(r) is reducible, GQ must contain a Scharlemann cycle. It follows that K(r) contains a lens space as a connected summand. We use a slight generalisation of this construction: we study the intersection of a system of punctured spheres $P_1,\dots, P_{m-1}$ with a level surface, Q, where the completed spheres, $\hat P_1,\dots, \hat P_{m-1}$, give a decomposition of K(r) into m prime factors. We find that the graph GQ contains at least m-1 different Scharlemann cycles.

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