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Douglas Farenick - Extremal matrix states on operator systems

DOUGLAS FARENICK, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan  S4S 0A2, Canada
Extremal matrix states on operator systems

A classical result of Kadison concerning the extension, via the Hahn-Banach theorem, of extremal states on unital selfadjoint linear manifolds (i.e. operator systems) in $C^\ast$-algebras is generalised to the setting of noncommutatve convexity, where one has matrix states (i.e. unital completely positive linear maps) and matrix convexity. I will explain here that if $\varphi$ is a matrix extreme point of the matrix state space of an operator system R in a unital $C^\ast$-algebra A, then $\varphi$ has a completely positive extension to a matrix extreme point $\Phi$ of the matrix state space of A. This result then leads to a characterisation of extremal matrix states as pure completely positive maps, which is relevant to the recent work of Webster and Winkler on a Krein-Milman theorem in operator convexity.

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