Abstracts - Posters Grouped by Theme
Biomedical & Health
Patrick Boyle -
Accelerating Cardiac Simulations with Rosenbrock Integration Methods
Philippe Comtois -
Tissue resistivity and spatial pattern of fibrosis are important in the initiation of cardiac reentrant activity
Ryan Dean -
A non-oscillatory second-order scheme for the bidomain equations
Denis Goue Gohore Bi -
Antibiotic Efficacy Evaluation: Update of the Classical Methods in The context of Irregular Drug Intake
Vahid H. Anvari -
A Fuzzy Index to Describe the Level of Maturity in Dendritic Cells
Alireza Hadj Khodabakhshi -
Protein designs in HP (Hydrophobic-Polar) models
Hosna Jabbari -
An $O(n^5)$ Algorithm for Predicting RNA Kssing Hairpins
Alexandra Jilkine -
Analysis of a Wave-Based Pattern Formation Mechanism in a Model of Cell Polarization
Anmar Khadra -
Exploring the role of different clones of T cells in the progression and treatment of type 1 diabetes
Dan Liu -
Jianfu Ma -
Transition and Coexistence of Periodic Patterns in Spiking Neuron Models of Delayed Recurrent Inhibitory Loops
Olesya Peshko -
Analysis of organ motion in image-guided radiation therapy for cancer treatment
Mandana Rahbari -
Protein Content Prediction based on Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machine Regression
Nargol Rezvani -
OSCaR (An Open Source Cone-Beam Reconstruction Tool for Imaging Research
Diana White -
Modeling Body Composition with Special Attention to Visceral Adiposity
Communication, Networks & Security
Mansour Alsaleh -
Security visualization for detecting distributed Internet scans
Kseniya Garaschuk -
Exponential sums over finite fields
Majid Ghanbarinejad -
Cooperative Location Estimation in Mobile Ad Hoc Communication Networks
Rezwana Huq -
BER improvement of an OFDM system by considering the correlated mismatch noise of the FFT block along with the channel noise
Dana Jansens -
TCP-Africa: A hybrid congestion control algorithm for scalable TCP
Majid Khabbazian -
Severity Analysis and Countermeasures for the Wormhole Attack in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Mahdad Khatirinejad -
Mutually Unbiased Bases Arising from Weyl-Heisenberg Orbits and their Application in Digital Communication
Ajeesh Kurian -
Performance of ECM and ECPM under Multipath Channels
Jun Li -
System Simulation and Evaluation for Network Traffic Stream Identification
Marjan Marzban -
New Heuristic Algorithms for Planar Dominating Set Problem
Boris Oreshkin -
Weak sense Lp error bounds for leader--node distributed particle filters
Deniz Ustebay -
Greedy Gossip with Eavesdropping
Xiaomeng Wan -
Anomaly Detection from Dynamic Communication Graphs
Jiaping Zhu -
Game-Theoretic Based Transmit Power Control for Digital Subscriber Line Systems
Environment & Natural Resources
Suwannee Adsavakulchai -
Using Dynamic Systems Modelling for Landuse Change Impact on Biodiversity in Canada
Michael Chapwanya -
A model for reactive porous transport during re-wetting of hardened concrete
Amenda Chow -
Coagulation and Fragmentation Model
Andria Dawson -
Integral projection model to predict spruce mortality
Matthew Emmett -
Dam-break flows with resistance over erodible sloping beds.
Marc Evans -
Rheology of dense multiphase slurries for subterranean oil sand fragmentation and slurry production.
Qiang Guo -
A new avelet Methdod for Solving General Aerosol PDEs in Atmospheric Environment
Chad Hogan -
Extending high-frequency asymptotics to low-frequency regimes
Felicia Maria Garcia Magpantay -
A Two-Species, Gompertz Law Model for a Fishing System with Marine Protected Areas
Lidia Nikitina -
Numerical and analytical studies of internal gravity waves forced by topography
Claudio Pareja -
Sustainable Development in Fisheries.
Malcolm Roberts -
Limits of Shell Models of Turbulence: Finite-Viscosity Corrections to Kolmogorov Scaling
Rational approximation for physical modeling
Information Processing
Loubna Benabbou -
Optimal Test-set bounds for multiclass classifiers
James Bergstra -
Image Classification with Neurally Motivated Higher-Order Models
Olivier Delalleau -
Gaussian Mixtures with Missing Data: an Efficient EM Training Algorithm
Dumitru Erhan -
Object Recognition using Sparse Deep Belief Network
Ron Ferguson -
Low peak sidelobe (PSL) values for binary sequences to length 1500
Matt Hoffman -
Using Inference Methods for Policy Learning in Continuous Domains
Mohammad Mahdi Karimi -
Minimum Cost Homomorphism Problem
Hugo Larochelle -
Classification using Discriminative Restricted Boltzmann Machines
Daniel Roche -
Detecting Polynomial Perfect Powers
Mingdong Xu -
A Novel High Data Rate Modulation Scheme Based on Chaotic Signal Separation
Risk & Finance
Jin Choi -
Presale Prices of Condominiums
Duy Minh Dang -
Adaptive finite difference methods for option pricing
Natasha Kirby -
A Real Options Valuation of Ethanol Production
Li Xu -
Fast Fourier Transform for Asian Option Pricing
Wanhe Zhang -
Valuation of Forward-Starting Collateralized Debt Obligations and Basket Default Swaps
Andrew Arnold -
Calculating Really Big Cyclotomic Polynomials
Andrea Blazenko -
Potential Vorticity Dynamics on the Sphere
Branimir Cacic -
The Finite Geometry of the Noncommutative Standard Model
Claudia Daniela Calin -
Similarity Solutions for Coagulation Equations
Changbo Chen -
Triangular Decompositions for Solving Parametric Polynomial Systems
Wan Chen -
Oscillatory instabilities and dynamics of multi-spike pattern in one-dimensional Gray-Scott model
Chiaka Drakes -
Traversing the Bottleneck - A Crowd Flow Model
Ismael El-Samahy -
Optimal Provision of Reactive Power Ancillary Services in Competitive Electricity Markets
Xavier Gendre -
Simultaneous estimation of the mean and the variance in Gaussian heteroscedastic regression
Hamid Ghaffari -
A cutting plane method for smi-infinte linear programming
Kimia Ghobadi -
On Discretize then Optimize Approach of Heat Optimization Problem
Hui Huang -
Surface Mesh Smoothing, Regularization and Feature Detection
Amel Kaouche -
Graph weights arising from Mayer and Ree-Hoover Theories
Bruno L'Espérance -
Equilibrium in Labor Market
Pierre LANCHON -
New formulas about Bernoulli and Euler numbers
Chao Li -
A Local Twisted Trace Formula and Some Twisted Orthogonality Relations
Jing Li -
Generalization of the Kermack-McKendrick SIR Model to a Patchy Environment for a Disease with Latency
MinJing Liu -
Efficient Preprocessing Techniques for VLSI Path Congestion Programs
Mirjana Maras -
Phase diagram for microphase separation of diblock copolymers
Maryam Namazi -
The effect of the meridional barotropic shear on the equatorial Kelvin waves.
Alex Ondrus -
Minimal Anisotropic Algebraic Groups of Higher Real Rank
Sydney Pachmann -
Swimming in Slime
Wei Pan -
The ConstructibleSetTools and ParametricSystemTools modules of RegularChains library in Maple
Zhenguo Pan -
Numerical Study of Coupled Surface and Grain Boundary Motion
Samara Pillay -
The Narrow Escape Problem in Two Dimensions
Philip Ka Fai Poon -
Scaling properties of amplitude equations for spatiotemporal chaos
Amir R. Kermany -
Stationary Distribution of a Two-Island Model of Population Subdivision
Oleksandr Romanko -
Parametric Quadratic and Conic Optimization: Models, Algorithms and Applications
Erwin Suazo -
Explicit Construction of the Fundamental Solutions to the One-dimensional Schrodinger Equation
Jie Sun -
Infinite dimensional Lie theory, descent theory, and the bridge
Saeed Varziri -
Parameter Estimation in Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Models
Maryam Verdian Rizi -
Title: Triangulating the Torus with Two Odd Vertices: Structure and Coloring
Rebecca White -
Stability of a reaction-diffusion model with mesa-type patterns
Shaohua Wu -
Statistical Analysis of Model Selection Criteria in the Case of Underfitting
Yuzhen Xie -
On the Representation of Constructible Sets
Rahman Yousefi Moghaddam -
System Identification and Dynamic Modeling of Machine-Environment Interaction on a Shovel Testbed
Habil Zare -
Read-once Branching Programs and the RL vs. L problem
Wei Zhou -
Efficient Order Basis Computation