Abstracts - Listed by Speaker
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- Abdallah, Naoufel Ben - High field limit for the Boltzmann equation
- Agueh, Martial - Asymptotic behavior for p-Laplacian type equations
- Akbary, Amir - Reduction mod p of subgroups of the Mordell-Weil group of an elliptic curve
- Alama, Stan - Ginzburg-Landau Vortices Concentrating on Curves
- Alexandrova, Ivana - Semi-Classical Resolvent Estimates at the Maximum of the Potential
- Almog, Yaniv - Radially symmetric local minimizers of the Ginzburg-Landau energy functional
- Amara, Mohammed - Mixed finite element approximation of a coupled reservoir-wellbore model with heat transfer
- Amleh, Amal - Very Interesting Nonlinear Difference Equations: An Overview
- André, Yves - Slope filtrations and their metamorphoses
- Anvari, Vahid H. - The Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Qualitative Description of Biological Systems
- Apostolov, Vestislav - Existence and non-existence of extremal Kaehler metrics on ruled manifolds
- Arino, Julien - Resistance to the pathogens in the vectors of a vector-host disease
- Arlot, Sylvain - V-fold cross-validation improved: V-fold penalization
- Arminjon, Paul - Central Finite Volume Methods for 3-dimensional Magnetohydrodynamics
- Arneodo, Alain - Low frequency rhythms in human DNA sequences: from genome-wide sequence analysis to the detection of replication origins in higher eukaryotes
- Artigue, Michele - Digital technologies in mathematics education: reflecting on a personal experience
- Aspenberg, Magnus - Collet-Eckmann and Misiurewicz maps
- Atapour, Mahshid - Asymptotic Behavior of the Linking Probability of 2-Component Links in a Lattice Tube
- Auroux, Denis - Special Lagrangian fibrations and mirror symmetry
- Aval, Jean-Christophe - Enumération de matrices à signes alternants invariantes par quart-de-tour de taille paire
- Azgin, Salih - Model Theory of Valued Difference Fields
- Badea, Catalin - Convergence and ergodic properties of iterates
- Badulescu, Ioan - Global Jacquet-Langlands and automorphic representations
- Bahsoun, Wael - Evolutionary models of financial markets
- Bal, Guillaume
- Banica, Teodor - Liberation of complex reflection groups
- Barlow, Martin - Random walks in symmetric random environments
- Barraud, Jean-François - The path loop fibration in symplectic topology
- Bartello, Peter
- Bauman, Patricia - Stable Solutions of a Variational Model for Bentcore Liquid Crystals
- Bayart, Frédéric - Parabolic linear fractional maps of the ball
- Beauchemin, Catherine - Capturing the Mechanisms Guiding T Cell Motion within Lymph Nodes
- Behrend, Kai
- Bélair, Luc - Modules de Witt et équations aux différences linéaires
- Belgacem, Faker Ben - On the Lavrentiev Regularization of the Ill-posed Data Completion Problem
- Belhachmi, Zakaria - Computing Neumann-Laplacian eigenvalues in nonsmooth domains and applications
- Benghorbal, Mhenni - Unified Formulas for Integer and Fractional Order Symbolic Derivatives and Anti-Derivatives of the Power-Inverse Trigonometric Class
- Benhida, Chafiq - Multicontractions, Poisson kernel and characteristic function
- Bennett, Michael - Powers in progression, Chebotarev and Hilbert Class Polynomials
- Benoist, Franck - Schemes for Hasse rings / Schémas pour les anneaux de Hasse
- Beresticky, Julien - Is the Ewens Sampling formula valid for Oysters?
- Berestycki, Henri - Travelling waves with forced speed
- Berger, Laurent - Représentations p-adiques et (j,G)-modules
- Berger, Roland - Combinatoire des algèbres N-Koszul
- Bergeron, François - Un nouveau Sn-module de polynômes harmoniques
- Bergeron, Nantel - Space of diagonal harmonics at level k
- Bernard, Patrick - Mather Theory, Hamilton-Jacobi equation, and symplectic geometry
- Bernardi, Christine
- Berstel, Jean - On the complexity of Hopcroft's automaton minimization algorithm
- Berteloot, François - Equidistribution of polynomials having a neutral cycle
- Berthé, Valérie - Purely periodic beta-expansions
- Bertoin, Jean - Allelic partitions for Galton-Watson processes
- Besse, Christophe - Artifical boundary conditions for the Schrödinger equation with external potential
- Bichon, Julien - Qunatum groups acting on 4 points
- Bierstone, Edward - Reflections on teaching undergraduate mathematics
- Binder, Ilia - Harmonic measure and Walk on Spheres algorithm
- Biquard, Olivier - Conformal geometries and Einstein metrics
- Biran, Paul - A Floer-Gysin long exact sequence for Lagrangian submanifolds
- Blanc, Xavier - Fast rotating Bose-Einstein condensates in an asymmetric trap
- Blanchard, Etienne - Extension of C*-bundles
- Blouza, Adel - Finite element approximations of Naghdi's shell model in cartesian coordinates
- Boden, Hans - Casson's invariant and spliced sums
- Boivin, André - Weighted Hardy space for the unit disc: Approximation properties
- Bopp, Nicole - Quelles mathématiques pour les futurs enseignants et comment les enseigner ?
- Borichev, Alexander
- Bornn, Luke - Residual-based approaches for structural health monitoring
- Bouscaren, Elisabeth - Model theory of separably closed fields and semi-abelian varieties
- Bowman, Chris - Population-Wide Emergence of Antiviral Resistance during an Influenza Pandemic
- Bowman, John - Casimir Cascades in Two-Dimensional Turbulence
- Boyer, Pascal - Faisceaux pervers des cycles évanescents de quelques variétés de Shimura unitaires
- Brinon, Olivier - Théorie de Sen pour les BdR-représentations dans le cas relatif
- Bronsard, Lia - Global minimizers for anisotropic superconductors / Sur les minimiseurs globaux des supraconducteurs anisotropes
- Brosnan, Patrick - Essential dimension and related topics
- Broze, Laurence - La situation des mathématiciennes en France
- Brunault, François - Régulateur et fonctions L p-adiques
- Budney, Ryan - The space of embeddings of S1 in S3 and related topics
- Budney, Ryan - 3-manifolds in the 4-sphere
- Buff, Xavier - Siegel disks of cubic polynomials
- Burke, Maxim - Simultaneous approximation and interpolation of increasing functions by increasing entire functions
- Buteau, Chantal - Encourager la créativité mathématique et l'indépendance intellectuelle des étudiants universitaires par l'utilisation de la technologie : une implémentation à Brock University
- Calin, Claudia Daniela - Similarity Solutions for Coagulation Equations
- Campbell, Sue Ann - Phase Models with Time Delay
- Cantarero, Jose Maria - Equivariant K-theory, groupoids and proper actions
- Cantat, Serge - Dynamics on Character Varieties and Quasi-Fuchsian Representations
- Carrero, Gustavo - Studying nuclear actin and histone H1 dynamics using FRAP experiments
- Carrillo, Paulo - Compactly supported analytic indices for Lie groupoids and applications
- Cazes, Claire - Utilisation des TICE en enseignement des Mathématiques à l'Université
- Champagnat, Nicolas - A study of evolutionary branching in a logistically regulated population
- Chapuisat, Guillemette - Model of spreading depression and existence of travelling front
- Charollois, Pierre
- Chatzidakis, Zoe - Model theory of difference fields / Théorie des modèles des corps aux différences
- Chaudouard, Pierre-Henri - The truncated Hitchin fibration and the weighted fundamental lemma
- Chernousov, Vladimir - Almost-minimal nonuniform lattices of higher rank
- Choksi, Rustum - On Certain Parameter Regimes of the Phase Diagram for Microphase Separation of Diblock Copolymers
- Christara, Christina - Quartic spline collocation for fourth-order boundary value problems on rectangles with an application to the biharmonic Dirichlet problem
- Colliander, James
- Collin, Olivier - Floer spheres, small cyclic branched covers and the Kontsevich integral
- Collins, Benoit - On the spectral measure of the sum of elements in a finite von Neumann algebra
- Comets, Francis - Billiards on general tables with random reflections
- Coombs, Dan - Within-host evolution of viruses and epidemiological implications
- Coombs, Daniel - Models of motion in biology
- Coons, Michael - Some Properties of Completely Multiplicative Signatures
- Cornut, Christophe - An Euler System for automorphic symplectic motives?
- Costa, Alysson M. - Models and algorithms for two network design problems
- Craig, Walter - Navier-Stokes equations and their Kolmogorov spectra
- Crouzeix, Michel - Some estimates for non self-adjoint operators
- Csörgö, Prof Miklós - Long-range dependent vs. i.i.d.r.v.'s based Bahadur-Kiefer, Vervaat and Vervaat error processes
- Cunningham, Clifton - Character sheaves of algebraic groups defined over local fields
- Currie, James - Abelian 2-Avoidable Binary Patterns
- Dalalyan, Arnak - Sparsity and sharp PAC-Bayesian bounds for the EW-aggregate
- Das, Raibatak - The motion of cell-surface proteins analyzed with a hidden Markov model
- Dat, Francois
- David, Chantal - On the distribution of Frobenius Rings of Elliptic Curves
- Davidson, Ken - Topological stable rank of Banach algebras
- Davison, Matt - Optimal Investment and Consumption under Habit Formation
- Davoudi, Jahanshah - Variability of the equilibrium mass flux distribution with altitude
- Dawson, Don - Continuum limits of branching systems on the hierarchical lattice
- Day, Troy
- De Koninck, Jean-Marie - Mathématiques à vendre
- Debord, Claire - Index theory on pseudomanifolds
- Delmas, Jean-François - General pruning and immigration for continuum random trees
- Delon, Françoise - C-minimal structures
- Demarco, Laura - Polynomial escape combinatorics
- Derbez, Pierre - Maximal volume of graph manifolds
- Descouens, François - Généralisation des (q,t)-nombres de Catalan
- Despres, Bruno - Cell-centered Lagrangian schemes
- Desprès, Bruno - Stability of high order transport schemes in L1 and L¥
- Devaney, Bob
- Devroye, Luc - Random trees
- Dhillon, Ajneet - On the essential dimension of the stack of bundles
- Discussion, Free
- Doyon, Benjamin - The stress-energy tensor in conformal loop ensembles
- Druet, Olivier - Stability of elliptic systems of PDEs
- Duguet, Yohann - The role of finite-amplitude solutions in transition to turbulence in pipe flow
- Dunbar, Tim and Dave Whitehouse - Simulation of structural failure from contact underwater explosions
- El-Fallah, Omar - Réflexivité d'extensions d'opérateurs par des opérateurs algébriques
- Elliott, George - A universal description of the AF envelope of an irrational rotation C*-algebra
- Emerson, Heath - Lefschetz-type invariants and geometric equivariant KK-theory
- Esteban, Maria - Relation between Onofri and Caffarelli-Kohn-Nirenberg inequalities
- Etheridge, Alison - Evolution in a spatial continuum
- Faou, Erwan - Computational many-body quantum dynamics using Hagedorn wavepackets
- Farah, Ilijas - The commutant of B(H) in its ultrapower
- Faridi, Sara - On conjugacy classes of nilpotent matrices
- Faugeras, Olivier
- Feigon, Brooke
- Feng, Shui - Asymptotic Behaviour of Poisson-Dirichlet Distribution
- Fernandez, Bastien - Athermal dynamics of strongly coupled stochastic three-state oscillators
- Fernandez, Miguel
- Ferrière, Régis
- Fischer, Andreas - Definability of algebraic models
- Fischer, Vera - The consistency of b = k < s = k+
- Fisman, David - ... But the Bugs Bounce Back: Simple Transmission Models and `Failure' of Bacterial STD Control Programs
- Florence, Mathieu
- Fortin, André - An adaptive remeshing method for free surface viscoelastic fluid flow problems
- Fournier, Richard - A propos d'une question de Brézis et Korevaar sur certaines suites de carré sommable
- François, Olivier - Probabilistic analysis of tree shape statistics
- Franjou, Vincent - Finite generation of invariants
- Fraser, Ailana - Stable minimal surfaces
- Fricain, Emmanuel - Autour de certaines familles de fonctions dans les espaces de de Branges-Rovnyak
- Friedlander, John - Sifting Short Intervals
- Frigaard, Ian - Visco-plastic fluid displacements in horizontal narrow eccentric annuli: stratification and traveling wave solutions
- Garibaldi, Skip - Vanishing of trace forms in low characteristics
- Gassiat, Elisabeth - A non parametric Berstein-Von Mises theorem
- George, Alan - Thirty Years of Progress in the Solution of Large Sparse Systems
- Gerbeau, Jean-Frédéric - Generalized Navier Boundary Conditions for ALE two-fluid simulations
- Ghidaglia, Jean-Michel - On the simulation of aerated flows
- Ghiggini, Paolo
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - Bessel pairs and optimal Hardy and Hardy-Rellich inequalities
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - Estimates for the quenching time of a parabolic equation modeling electrostatic MEMS
- Ghoussoub, Nassif - The selfdual approach to inverse problems, optimal control, and numerical schemes
- Gilbert, François - Network design under a discrete choice: a bilevel programming approach
- Ginot, Gregory - Gerbes, principal 2-group bundles and characteristic classes
- Giordano, Thierry - Topological orbit equivalence of free, minimal actions of Zd on the Cantor set
- Girardin, Valerie - Entropy and Markov processes: from Shannon to the latest developments / Entropie et processus markoviens : de Shannon aux développements les plus récents
- Giraud, Christophe - Estimation of Gaussian Graphs by Model Selection
- Godillon-Lafitte, Pauline - Simulations numériques pour un modèle de pollution atmosphérique
- Godin, Veronique - A coproduct is string topology and knots
- Golovaty, Dmitry - A Ginzburg-Landau-type model of carbon nanotubes
- Gomez-Aparicio, Maria-Paula - Twisting property (T) and the Baum-Connes morphism by a non-unitary representation
- Gordon, Julia - Harish-Chandra characters, orbital integrals, and motivic integration
- Goudon, Thierry - Particles subject to a high oscillating force field
- Granville, Andrew - Pretentiousness in analytic number theory
- Grenier, Denise and François Sauvageot - Attirer les élèves vers les mathématiques: le rôle des mathématiciens
- Grenier, Emmanuel
- Grivaux, Sophie - Multiplicity of direct sums of operators on Banach spaces
- Gueritaud, François - Which arborescent links are hyperbolic?
- Guerrier, Viviane Durand - Logique, langage, raisonnement et apprentissages mathématiques à la transition secondaire-supérieur / Logic, language, reasoning and learning in mathematics at the secondary-tertiary transition
- Guillarmou, Colin - Conformal harmonics, Branson-Gover operators and harmonic forms on Poincaré-Einstein manifolds
- Guillot, Pierre - The computation of Stiefel-Whitney classes
- Guionnet, Alice - Topological Expansions and Applications
- Guo, Hongbin - Global Dynamics of an SP Model with Random Amelioration and Deterioration
- Guo, Qiang - Adaptive splitting wavelet method for atmospheric problems
- Gürel, Basak - Leaf-wise coisotropic intersections
- Gustafson, Stephen - Scattering theory for the Gross-Pitaevskii equation in three dimensions
- Gustafson, Stephen - Asymptotic behaviour for Landau-Lifshitz and Schroedinger map dynamics
- Hamel, Francois - Reaction-diffusion equations and transition waves
- Hamimid, Saber - Numerical simulation of electrically conducting liquid flows in an external magnetic field
- Hammadi, Larbi - Effet de traitement thermique sur le comportement physico-chimique et rhétorique des boues activées de station d'épuration
- Harada, Megumi - Hyperkähler Kirwan surjectivity for quiver varieties: Morse theory and examples
- Haxell, Penny - List colouring
- Hecht, Frédéric - Some mesh adaptation schemes for solving PDE with high order finite element method
- Heffernan, Jane - Vaccination and waning immunity: An immuno-epidemiological model for measles
- Helffer, Bernard - Sur quelques modèles mathématiques pour les condensats de Bose-Einstein / On mathematical models for Bose-Einstein condensates in optical lattices
- Herau, Frederic - Exponential hypocoercivity for simple kinetic models with boundary conditions
- Humphries, Tony - COLFDE: A differential-difference equation BVP Solver
- Hurd, Tom - Credit Risk using Time Changed Brownian Motions
- Hussin, Véronique - Des mathématiciens de retour à l'école
- Iakovlev, Serguei - Cavitation in shock-subjected shell systems
- Iakovlev, Serguei - Modeling shell-shock interaction in a multi-fluid environment
- Ignat, Radu - A G-convergence result for Néel walls in micromagnetics
- Illner, Reinhard - On Stop-and-Go Waves in Dense Traffic
- Iron, David - Stability of curved interfaces to the two dimensional perturbed Allen-Cahn equations
- Jabin, Pierre-Emmanuel - Mean field limits for interacting particles
- Jacob, Benoit - Expressing the distance of unitary orbits of positive elements in terms of the Cuntz semigroup
- Jaligot, Eric - Geometry and an abstract theory of Weyl groups
- Jankowski, Hanna - Nonparametric Estimation of a Bathtub-Shaped Hazard
- Jarai, Antal - Geometric bounds on the Uniform Spanning Forest in high dimensions
- Jardine, Rick - Algebraic K-theory presheaf of spectra
- Jerrard, Robert L. - Dynamics of domain walls in a nonlinear wave equation
- Johnson, Joseph
- Jones, Gareth O. - Model completeness and o-minimality
- Kahn, Jeremy - Bounds for bounded-primitive type
- Kallel, Sadok - Homology of Finite Subset Spaces
- Kamran, Niky - The Penrose process and the wave equation in Kerr geometry
- Kan, Felix - Pricing American Options by Simulation: Bias Reduction on Modified Least-Squares Monte Carlo
- Karigiannis, Spiro - Conical singularities in G2 manifolds
- Karpenko, Nikita - Dimension essentielle de p-groupes finis
- Karshon, Yael - Convexity phenomena in Hamiltonian geometry
- Karsten, Richard - Assessment of Tidal Current Energy in Minas Passage, Bay of Fundy
- Kassel, Christian - The free group F2, the braid group B3, and palindromes
- Kellay, Karim - Operateurs compacts dans le commutant d'une contraction
- Kenyon, Rick - Limits of Dimer models
- Kevlahan, Nicholas - Three-dimensional Floquet stability analysis of the wake in cylinder arrays
- Kevlahan, Nicholas - Stochastic Coherent Adaptive Large Eddy Simulation
- Keyfitz, Barbara - Shocks, Rarefactions and Triple Points in Multidimensional Conservation Laws
- Keyfitz, Barbara Lee - Women Mathematicians in the Academic Ranks: The BIRS Report
- Khalkhali, Masoud - Hopf cyclic cohomology in braided monoidal categories
- Khouider, Boualem - An inviscid regularization for the SQG equations
- Khouider, Boualem - Well balanced numerical schemes for the equatorial wave guide
- Khouider, Boualem - Convectively coupled waves in a simple multicloud model
- Kim, Peter - Multivariate Topological Data Analysis
- Knight, Keith - Some asymptotics for elemental regression estimators
- Kocabiyik, Serpil - Free surface flow with an oscillating cylinder based on a two-fluid model
- Kolokolnikov, Theodore - Ring solutions in RN and smoke-ring (vortex) solutions in R3 for Gierer-Meinhardt Model
- Kowalczyk, Michal - Stationary spot solutions in an activator-inhibitor system
- Kozdron, Mike - Estimates for the diameter of a chordal SLE path
- Krashen, Daniel - Field patching, quadratic forms and division algebras
- Krechetnikov, Rouslan - On the transition to turbulence problem
- Krivodonova, Lilia - High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Problems with Shocks
- Kucera, T. G. - Model theory for topological modules
- Kuhlmann, Salma - Exponential-Logarithmic vs. Logarithmic-Exponential series
- Kuo, Wentang - On a generalization of Artin's conjecture
- Kupin, Stanislas - Spectral properties of Schrödinger operators in 1D and on trees
- Kuske, Rachel - Transients + instabilities + noise = structure?
- Kuttler, Jochen - Lifting automorphisms of matrix invariants
- Kuznetsov, Alexey - Pricing barrier options in the Variance-Gamma model
- Laba, Izabella - Geometric measure theory and arithmetic combinatorics
- Laflamme, Claude - Computer interface for elementary mathematics
- Laflamme, Claude - Distinguishing Number of Countable Homogeneous Relational Structures
- Laghribi, Ahmed - A complement to the n-invariant in characteristic 2
- Lagoutière, Frédéric - Analysis of the upwind scheme with probabilities
- Lambert, Amaury - The mutation and allele frequency spectra for the coalescent point process
- Lanchier, Nicolas - Survival and coexistence in spatially explicit metapopulations
- Lanson, Nathalie - Convergence Analysis of Renormalized Meshfree Schemes
- Laumon, Gérard - Hitchin Fibration and Fundamental Lemma
- Le Gal, Olivier - Un contre exemple à la décomposition cellulaire lisse
- Leblond, Cedric and Jean-François Sigrist - Semi-analytical methods for the study of transient fluid-structure interaction problems
- Lecomte, Dominique - Analytic sets in any dimension
- Lecuire, Cyril - Deformation space of Kleinian groups
- LeFloch, Philippe G. - Hyperbolic conservation laws on manifolds: well-posedness theory and numerical approximation
- Lepski, Oleg - Universal estimation routine
- Lescop, Christine - Links between Seifert surfaces and finite type invariants of 3-manifolds
- Lessard, Sabin - Diffusion approximations for one-locus multi-allele kin selection, mutation and random drift in group-structured populations: a unifying approach to selection models in population genetics
- Levit, Boris - A fresh look at the minimax
- Lewin, Mathieu - A variational model for relativistic electrons
- Lewis, Gregory - Transitions in an air-filled differentially heated rotating annulus
- Ley, Olivier - Some uniqueness results for the motion by mean curvature of entire graphs
- Li, Jialin - Liquid Level Measurement Using Guided Wave Radar Approach
- Li, Jun - Description and evaluation of pharmacokinetic processes and therapeutic responses: an interdisciplinary challenge for mathematics
- Li, Junfang - The quermassintegral inequalities for starshaped domains
- Liang, Dong - Energy-Conserved S-FDTD Schemes in Computational Electromagnetics
- Lisi, Samuel - Compactness and non-compactness for generalized pseudoholomorphic curves
- Liu, Rongsong - Optimal control of vaccination and treatment in a two strain influenza model
- Liu, Yu-Ru - Vinogradov's mean value theorem in function fields
- Livernet, Muriel - Left modules and algebras over a Hopf operad
- Loday, Jean-Louis - Diagonale géométrique de l'associaèdre et produit tensoriel de A-infini algèbres
- Loeser, François - Non Archimedean Geometry and Model Theory
- Longtin, André - Multiscale dynamics of sensory processing
- Lorin, Emmanuel - Numerical Modeling of Intense and High Frequency Laser-Gas Interactions
- Lovric, Miroslav - Mathematics Textbooks, Misconceptions and Conceptual Understanding
- Lukeman, Ryan - Collective Motion in Animals Groups from an Idealized Perspective
- Lutscher, Frithjof - The effect of landscape heterogeneity on spread and persistence in integrodifference equations
- Macasieb, Melissa - Character varieties of a family of 2-bridge knot complements
- Maday, Yvon
- Madras, Neal - Pattern-Avoiding Permutations: A Probabilist's View
- Maillot, Sylvain - Ricci flow with surgery on open 3-manifolds and positive scalar curvature
- Marché, Julien - Kauffman algebras and geometry of the character variety of a surface in SU(2)
- Marcoux, Laurent - On the topological stable rank of non-selfadjoint operator algebras
- Marmora, Adriano - Stationary phase and p-adic microdifferentials of level zero / Phase stationnaire et microdifferentielles p-adiques de niveau zéro
- Martel, Yvan - Collision of two solitons for nonintegrable gKdV equations
- Martin, Greg - Friable values of polynomials
- Martin-Pizarro, Amador
- Maslowe, Sherwin - Stability of Swirling Flows
- Matet, Pierre - Weak Saturation of Ideals on Pk (l)
- Matusinski, Mickael
- Mauduit, Christian - La somme des chiffres des carrés
- Maury, Bertrand
- Maury, Bertrand - Direct simulation of dense suspensions
- Mayer, Volker - Ergodic properties of some sub-hyperbolic meromorphic functions
- McDonald, Jessica - Achieving maximum chromatic index in multigraphs
- Mckenzie, Hannah - First passage time: insights into animal movement
- McKinnon, David - K3 surfaces: Rational points, rational curves, and where to find them
- Melleray, Julian
- Mellet, Antoine - Analysis of a fluid-kinetic system of equations
- Melnikov, Alexander - Financial Market Modeling via Telegraph Processes
- Mezo, Paul - Twisted endoscopic character identities
- Miermont, Gregory - Some geometric aspects of scaling limits of random maps
- Milewski, Paul - A simple model for swarming with nonlocal sensing
- Millot, Vincent - Symmetry of locally minimizing solutions for the 3D Ginzburg-Landau system
- Minac, Jan - Galois modules and Galois groups
- Minev, Peter - Fictitious Domain Methods for Flows Containing Rigid Particles
- Mohammadi, Bijan - Simulation and design for coastal engineering
- Mohammadi, Bijan - Involutive completion for constrained PDE systems
- Moosa, Rahim - A non-Kaehler essentially saturated complex surface
- Morel, Sophie
- Muir, Paul - New Software for the Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
- Murnaghan, Fiona
- Murty, Kumar
- Murty, Kumar
- Nadin, Gregoire - Traveling fronts in space-time periodic media
- Nedialkov, Ned - DAETS: a Differential-Algebraic Equation code in C++ for high index and high accuracy
- Nekka, Fahima - The Explanatory Power of Drug Intake Variability in Therapeutic Evaluation
- Nicaise, Serge - Adaptive finite element methods: abstract framework and applications
- Nicas, Andrew - Hochschild homology relative to a family of groups
- Nicole, Marc Hubert
- Niederkrüger, Klaus - Negative stabilizations and the plastikstufe
- Nigam, Nilima - The nonlinear critical layer for Kelvin modes on a vortex
- Nigam, Nilima - A multigrid preconditioner for an integral equation of the first kind for acoustics
- Nishiura, Yasumasa - Dynamics of Particle Patterns in Dissipative Systems
- Nolin, Pierre - Gradient Percolation and the geometry of diffusion fronts
- Oancea, Alexandru - Symplectic homology and linearized contact homology
- Ollivier, Rachel - Représentations modulo p du groupe p-adique GL2(F)
- Panel Discussion
- Paoluzzi, Luisa - Periodic diffeomorphisms with trivial quotient and a characterisation of the 3-sphere
- Pascal, Frédéric - On the supra-convergence phenomenon of the cell-centered finite volume method
- Patras, Frédéric - Idempotents de Lie et renormalisation en pQFT
- Patrick, George - Towards automatically generated variational integrators
- Pécou, Elisabeth
- Pelinovski, Dmitry - Eigenvalues of nonlinear bound states in the Thomas-Fermi approximation
- Perkins, Edwin - Pathwise Uniqueness for Stochastic Heat Equations
- Pestov, Vladimir - Actions isométriques affines de groupes polonais sur les espaces de Banach sans points fixes
- Phillips, Dan - Smectic energies and existence theorems for liquid crystals
- Pianzola, Arturo - Descent constructions in infinite dimensional Lie theory
- Pilgrim, Kevin - On Thurston's pullback map
- Pinsonnault, Martin - Symplectic balls in rational ruled 4-manifolds
- Piran, Hossein Zivari - Developing a User-Friendly Delay Differential Equations Modeling Package
- Ponge, Raphael - Noncommutative geometry and lower dimensional volumes in Riemannian geometry
- Popovic, Lea - Genealogy of Catalytic Populations
- Poulin, Francis - The effect of stochasticity on linear waves
- Protas, Bartosz - Shape Optimization and Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Mechanics
- Puel, Marjolaine
- Purbhoo, Kevin - Jeu de taquin and Schubert intersections
- Putnam, Ian - Projection method tilings, their C*-algebras and KK-theory
- Quéguiner-Mathieu, Anne - Pfister's theorem for orthogonal involutions
- Rambaud, Alexandre - Quantifier elimination in some non-quasi-analytic classes
- Ramsey, Jim - Parameter Estimation for Differential Equations: A Generalized Smoothing Approach
- Raphael, Pierre - On the stability of ground states and the singularity formation for the gravitational Vlasov-Poisson system
- Raphael, Pierre - Rough blow up solutions to the L2 critical NLS
- Rebolledo, Marusia
- Reid, Greg - Geometric Algorithms for PDAE and DAE
- Ren, Xiaofeng - Ideal and Defective Solutions to a Free Boundary Problem from Block Copolymer Morphology
- Ressayre, Nicolas - Restricting representations to a reductive subgroup
- Reutenauer, Christophe
- Reynaud-Bouret, Patricia - Threshold methods for Poisson processes with unknown or infinite support
- Ricotta, Guillaume - Mean-periodicity and zeta functions
- Rivat, Joel - La somme des chiffres des nombres premiers
- Rizi, Maryam Verdian - Triangulating the Torus with Two Odd Vertices: Structure and Coloring
- Robert, Aline - Un exemple de formation universitaire de formateurs d'enseignants de mathématiques des lycées et collèges
- Robert, Frederic - 24. Positivity issues of biharmonic Green's functions under Dirichlet boundary conditions
- Robert, Leonel - The Cuntz semigroup of 2-dimensional spaces
- Roeder, Roland - Complex dynamics for the Lee-Yang zeros
- Roesch, Pascale - The boundary of polynomial Fatou components
- Rogalski, Marc - Innovations et recherches didactiques dans l'enseignement des mathématiques dans les premières années universitaires en France
- Rolfsen, Dale - Braid groups and the space of orderings
- Roquejoffre, Jean-Michel - How travelling waves attract the solutions of KPP equations
- Roy, Damien - Simultaneous rational approximation and the Markoff spectrum
- Royer, Emmanuel - On a inequality by Damey & Payan
- Ruuth, Steve - A Simple Technique for Solving Partial Differential Equations on Surfaces
- Sabouni, Abas - Hybrid optimization method for microwave breast cancer detection
- Sadjadi, Seyed Jafar A - A new mathematical modeling and a genetic algorithm search for milk run problem
- Sadjadi, Seyed Jafar B - A Robust Optimization Model for Resource Allocation Problem with Different Time Cycles
- Saint-Aubin, Yvan - Désordre et beauté / Disorder and Beauty
- Sajadi, Samira Sadat - A statistical model to estimate information technology spending
- Sandier, Etienne - Anisotropic models in superconductivity
- Sauvageot, François and Denise Grenier - Attirer les élèves vers les mathématiques: le rôle des mathématiciens
- Schiffler, Ralf - Positivité dans les algèbres amassées associées aux surfaces
- Schlenker, Jean-Marc - On the renormalized volume of quasifuchsian manifolds
- Schoetzau, Dominik - Exactly divergence-free discontinuous Galerkin methods for incompressible fluid flow
- Schötzau, Dominik - Energy norm a-posteriori error estimation for hp-adaptive DG methods for convection-diffusion equations
- Secherre, Vincent - l-modular representations of inner forms of GL(n) over a p-adic field with l different from p
- Sere, Eric - Variational problems in Relativistic Quantum Chemistry
- Serre, Jean-Pierre - Le groupe de Cremona
- Sezer, Denis - Conditioning super-Brownian motion on its exit measure XD
- Shafrir, Itai - A nonlocal problem arising in the study of magneto-elastic interactions
- Shampine, Larry - BVP Solver that Controls Residual and Error
- Shnirelman, Alexander - Flow control by small forces
- Sigal, Michael - Effective dynamics of soliton
- Sigrist, Jean-François and Cedric Leblond - Semi-analytical methods for the study of transient fluid-structure interaction problems
- Simmt, Elaine - The mathematical education of teachers of mathematics
- Sinha, Kaneenika - Effective equidistribution
- Smets, Didier - Stability of the black soliton for the NLS equation
- Smith, Jeff
- Smith, Robert - Explicitly accounting for antiretroviral drug uptake in theoretical HIV models predicts long-term failure of protease-only therapy
- Sonnendrucker, Eric - A General Framework for Electromagnetic PIC Codes
- Srivastava, Muni Shanker - Analyzing High Dimensional Data with Fewer Observations
- St-Hilaire, Marie-Odette - Toward an improved capture of stiff detonation waves
- Stancu, Alina - On the volume product functional
- Stastna, Marek - Numerical modeling of internal wave-boundary layer interaction
- Steinsaltz, David - Mutation and Selection in Age-structured Populations
- Steprans, Juris
- Sternberg, Peter - Time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau model with an applied current
- Stockie, John - A new approach for simulating flow through porous immersed boundaries
- Stoll, Thomas - The sum of digits of primes in Z[i]
- Stoltz, Gilles - Strategies for prediction under imperfect monitoring
- Sulem, Catherine - Water waves over a random topography
- Surkov, Vladimir - FFT-Based Option Pricing under Mean-Reverting Jump Diffusion
- Swishchuk, Anatoly - Pricing of Variance Swaps for Stochastic Volatilities with Delay and Jumps
- Sznitman, Alain - Random walks and random interlacements
- Taylor, Keith - Mathematics: The Undergraduate Curriculum
- Thiffeault, Jean-Luc - The Role of Walls in Chaotic Mixing: Experimental Results
- Thomas, Hugh - Groupes d'Artin et représentations des carquois
- Timorin, Vladlen - Regluing of holomorphic functions
- Tomczak-Jaegermann, Nicole - Random embeddings and approximation and other high-dimensional geometric phenomena
- Toms, Andrew - The Cuntz semigroup of a minimal diffeomorphism C*-algebra
- Topaz, Chad - A model for rolling migratory locust swarms
- Tornquist, Asger
- Touzi, Nizar - Probabillistic numerical methods for fully-nonlinear PDEs
- Trouche, Luc - Intégration des TICE dans l'enseignement des mathématiques, quel accompagnement des professeurs?
- Trukhachev, Dmitry - Generalized Modulation
- Tsai, Tai-Peng - Lower bound on the blow-up rate of the axisymmetric Navier-Stokes equations
- Vallette, Bruno - Deformation theory of algebraic structures
- van Roessel, Henry - Some Exact Solutions to the Coagulation Equation with Product Kernel
- van Veen, Lennaert - The computation of 2D unstable manifolds in models of turbulent shear flow
- Vatsal, Vinayak
- Vert, Jean-Philippe - Collaborative filtering in Hilbert spaces with spectral regularization
- Vespa, Christine - Stable homology of groups by functor homology
- Vignal, Marie Helene - Asymptotic preserving schemes for plasma fluid models
- Viswanath, Divakar - The critical layer and transition to turbulence in shear flows
- Vohralik, Martin - A unified framework for optimal a posteriori error estimation in different numerical methods
- Vuillon, Laurent
- Waite, Michael - Atmospheric boundary layer effects in a two-mode multicloud model
- Walsh, Genevieve - Commensurability of knot complements
- Wang, Lin - Oscillations in a Patchy Environment Disease Model
- Wang, McKenzie - Examples of Ricci Solitons
- Ward, Michael - Self-Replicating Spots for Reaction-Diffusion Models in Two Space Dimensions
- Weckesser, Warren - VFGEN: A Code Generation Tool for Vector Fields
- Welschinger, Jean-Yves - Sphères lagrangiennes et symétrie miroir homologique
- Wetton, Brian - Stack level computational models of polymer electrolyte membrane hydrogen fuel cells
- White, Rebecca
- Whitehouse, Dave and Tim Dunbar - Simulation of structural failure from contact underwater explosions
- Whiteley, Walter - A Mathematics Program for Future Teachers
- Wiest, Bert - Quasigeodesics in the pants complex and the conjugacy problem in braid groups
- Wihler, Thomas - hp-Discontinuous Galerkin methods for the Stokes equations
- Wise, Dani - The Structure of Haken Hyperbolic 3-manifold Groups
- Wittenberg, Olivier - Autour de l'obstruction élémentaire pour les variétés non rationnelles
- Wittenberg, Ralf - Rigorous Bounds on Rayleigh-Bénard Convection with Conductive Plates
- Wu, Jianhong - Disease outbreaks and outbreaks of disease modeling
- Wu, Jie - Inégalité du grand crible pour formes modulaires et deux applications
- Xiao, Jie - Some Geometric Criteria for L2 Sobolev/Nash/Log-Sobolev Inequalities on Complete Noncompact Riemannian Manifolds
- Yampolsky, Misha - A survey of computability results for Julia sets
- Young, Julie - Numerical Investigation of Shock and Blast Loads on Composite Marine Structures
- Yu, Rupert - Quelques problèmes sur les algèbres de Lie biparaboliques
- Zarrabi, Mohamed - Des résultats de type Katznelson-Tzafriri pour les contractions
- Zhou, Xiaowen - Reversibility of Interacting Fleming-Viot Processes
- Zhu, Huaiping
- Zou, Xingfu - Dynamics in a modified mathematical model for malaria