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The Congress partners - Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS), Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS), Centre de recherches mathématiques (CRM), Fields Institute, Institut des sciences mathématiques (ISM), Mathematics of Information Technology & Complex Systems (MITACS), Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences (PIMS), Société de Mathématiques Appliquées & Industrielles (SMAI), Société Mathématique de France (SMF), and Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) - wish to thank all delegates who participated in the Second Canada-France Congress, held at UQAM in Montreal. The Congress boasted over 800 delegates, who participated in 28 session, seven mini-symposia and three workshops. The Congress was pleased to host Plenary Speakers Yves André (CNRS-ENS, Paris), Olivier Biquard (Strasbourg), Luc Devroye (McGill), Andrew Granville (Montréal), Alice Guionnet (CNRS-ENS, Lyon), Rick Kenyon (Brown), Gérard Laumon (CNRS-Orsay), Eric Sere (Paris-Dauphine), Jean-Pierre Serre (Collège de France), Nicole Tomczak-Jaegermann (Alberta), Nizar Touzi (CREST-Paris), Jianhong Wu (York); Prize Speakers CAIMS Cecil Graham Doctoral Dissertation Award - Alysson M. Costa (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil), CAIMS Research Prize - Alan George (Waterloo), CMS Excellence in Teaching Award - Edward Bierstone (Toronto), CMS Krieger-Nelson Prize - Izabella Laba (UBC), CMS Jeffery-Williams Prize - Martin Barlow (UBC); and Public Speaker Yvan Saint-Aubin (Montréal). We wish to thank these speakers for their valuable contribution to the conference. SessionsThe success of this Congress is in large part due to the vast variety of the sessions available, which offered a diverse selection of scientific areas focusing in mathematical sciences. Our appreciation is extended to the session organizers and speakers. Poster Competition WinnersAt the Awards Reception, the top ten winners received a monetary prize and an award plaque presented by Mr. Nigel Lloyd, NSERC, Dr. Robert Proulx, UQAM and Dr. Nilima Nigam, Head Judge. Congratulations to all winners! We wish to thank all the judges who contributed their time during the conference and had the difficult task of selecting the winners. SponsorsThe Congress partners wish to acknowledge the sponsors of the conference CICMA, CIRGET, Concordia University, Ministère de l'Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport du Québec and University of Ottawa. Their generous support contributed greatly to the success of the event. Reimbursements and FeedbackPlease direct reimbursement inquiries to CAIMS Arthur Beaumont Distinguished Service Award - Ken Jackson (Toronto) CAIMS Cecil Graham Doctoral Dissertation Award - Alysson M. Costa (Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil) CAIMS Research Prize - Alan George (Waterloo) CMS Excellence in Teaching Award - Edward Bierstone (Toronto) CMS Krieger-Nelson Prize - Izabella Laba (UBC) CMS Jeffery-Williams Prize - Martin Barlow (UBC) MITACS Student Awards MITACS Poster Competition Prizes
Plenary Speakers
Public Lecture Support from these sponsors is gratefully acknowledged: |