Coxeter-James Lecture |
Jim Geelen (Waterloo) |
Krieger-Nelson Lecture |
Penny Haxell (Waterloo) |
CMS Excellence in Teaching Award |
Frédéric Gourdeau (Laval) |
Plenary Speakers |
Steve Awodey (Carnegie Mellon)
John Conway (Princeton)
Nicole El Karoui (Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France)
Nigel Kalton (Missouri)
Alexander S. Kechris (California Institute of Technology)
László Lovász (Microsoft)
Dave Marker (Illinois at Chicago)
Public Lecture |
William R. Pulleyblank (IBM)
Sessions |
By invitation of the Meeting Committee,
there will be sessions in the following areas.
The list of speakers is preliminary, and participants
interested in delivering a talk in one of the sessions
should contact one of the organizers of that session.
Category Theory
Org: Robin Cockett (Calgary)
Michael Barr (McGill),
Marta Bunge (McGill),
John Fountain (York, UK),
Peter Freyd (Pennsylvania, USA),
Jonathon Funk (West Indies, Barbados),
Nicola Gambino (Montréal),
Pieter Hofstra (Calgary),
Robin Houston (Manchester, UK),
André Joyal (Montréal),
Steve Lack (Western Sydney, Australia),
Tom Leinster (Glasgow, UK),
Dorette Pronk (Dalhousie),
Pedro Resende (Lisbon, Portugal),
Phil Scott (Ottawa),
Robert Seely (McGill),
Alex Simpson (Edinburgh, UK),
Ben Steinberg (Carleton),
Paul Taylor (Manchester, UK),
Benno van den Berg (Utrecht, Netherlands),
Jaap van Oosten (Utrecht, Netherlands),
Michael Warren (Carnegie Mellon, USA),
Richard Wood (Dalhousie).
Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Org: Elena Braverman (Calgary) and Michael Y. Li (Alberta)
Mohammadreza Anvari (Saskatchewan),
Baruch Cahlon (Oakland, USA),
Abba Gumel (Manitoba),
Hongbin Guo (Alberta),
Shafiqul Islam (Lethbridge),
Damir Kinzebulatov (Calgary),
Bill Langford (Guelph),
Rongsong Liu (York),
James Muldowney (Alberta),
Gergeley Röst (York; Szeged, Hungary),
Samir Saker (Calgary; Mansoura, Egypt),
Pauline van den Driessche (Victoria),
Qian Wang (Alberta),
Yuan Yuan (Memorial),
Zingfu Zou (UWO).
Discrete and Convex Geometry
Org: Karoly Bezdek (Calgary) and Jozsef Solymosi (UBC)
Karoly Bezdek (Calgary),
Karoly Boroczky (Eotvos, Budapest, Hungary),
Bob Erdahl (Queen's),
Ferenc Fodor (Szeged, Hungary),
Marina Gavrilova (Calgary),
Mohammad Ghomi (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA),
Luis Goddyn (Simon Fraser),
Branko Grünbaum (Washington, USA),
Aladar Heppes (Eotvos, Budapest, Hungary),
Gyorgy Kiss (ELTE, Budapest, Hungary),
Kee Yuen Lam (UBC),
Hiroshi Maehara (Ryukyu, Okinawa, Japan),
Egon Schulte (Northeastern, USA),
Jozsef Solymosi (UBC),
Csaba D. Toth (MIT, USA),
Asia Ivic Weiss (York).
Game Theory / Number Theory
Org: Richard Nowakowski (Dalhousie), Bill Sands (Calgary), Hugh Williams (Calgary) and Robert Woodrow (Calgary)
This session is organized in honour of Richard Guy on the occasion of his 90th Birthday.
Mike Bennett (UBC),
Elwyn Berlekamp (Berkeley, USA),
Peter Borwein (SFU),
David Boyd (UBC),
Andrew Bremner (Arizona State, USA),
Denis Charles (Microsoft, USA),
Karl Dilcher (Dalhousie),
Aviezri Fraenkel (Weizmann Institute, Israel),
Carl Pomerance (Dartmouth, USA),
Renate Scheidler (Calgary),
Aaron Siegel (Berkeley, USA),
David Singmaster (London South Bank, UK),
Alf van der Poorten (Macquarie, Australia),
Stan Wagon (Macalester, USA),
Gary Walsh (Ottawa),
David Wolfe (Gustavus Adolphus, USA).
Joint CMS/CMESG Education Session
Org: Peter Taylor (Queen's)
Does a Math Education PhD program belong in a Math Dept?
Discussion Group,
Pamela Hagen (UBC),
Peter Liljedahl (SFU),
Lily Moshe (York),
Peter Taylor (Queen's).
L-functions, Automorphic Forms and Representation Theory
Org: Amir Akbary (Lethbridge) and Clifton Cunningham (Calgary)
Jeffrey Achter (Colorado, USA),
Imin Chen (SFU),
Gerald Cliff (Alberta),
Chantal David (Concordia),
Lassina Dembele (Calgary),
Wentang Kuo (Waterloo),
Yu-Ru Liu (Waterloo),
Paul Mezo (Carleton),
Fiona Murnaghan (Toronto),
Kumar Murty (Toronto),
Ram Murty (Queen's),
Nathan Ng (Ottawa),
Rachel Pries (Colorado, USA),
Hadi Salmasian (Queens).
Mathematical Finance
Org: Len Bos and Anatoliy Swishchuk (Calgary)
Abel Cadenillas (Alberta),
Joe Campolieti (Wilfrid Laurier),
Matt Davison (UWO),
Jean-Marie Dufour (Montréal),
Robert Elliott (Calgary),
Peter Forsyth (Waterloo),
Ulrich Horst (UBC),
Adam Kolkiewicz (Waterloo),
Ali Lazrak (Sauder School, UBC),
Cristiane Lemieux (Calgary),
Alex Melnikov (Alberta),
Luis Seco (Toronto),
Anatoliy Swishchuk (Calgary),
Tony Ware (Calgary).
Model Theory
Org: Patrick Speissegger (McMaster)
Matthias Aschenbrenner (Illinois - Chicago, USA),
Ozlem Beyarslan (Illinois - Chicago, USA),
Gregory Cherlin (Rutgers, USA),
Alf Dolich (McMaster),
Dragos Ghioca (McMaster),
Deidre Haskell (McMaster),
Tobias Kaiser (Regensburg, Germany),
Salma Kuhlmann (Saskatchewan),
David Lippel (Notre Dame, USA),
Chris Miller (Ohio State, USA),
Paul Potgieter (South Africa, Pretoria, SA),
Fernando Sanz Sánchez (Universidad de Valladolid, Spain),
Carol Wood (Wesleyan, USA).
Positivity in Functional Analysis and Applications
Org: Charalambos Aliprantis (Purdue) and Vladimir Troitsky (Alberta)
Safak Alpay (Middle Eastern Tech Univ, Turkey),
Razvan Anisca (Lakehead),
Evgenios Avgerinos (Univ of the Aegean, Greece),
Gerard Buskes (Mississippi, USA),
Roman Drnovsek (Ljubljana, Slovenia),
Eduard Emelyanov (Middle Eastern Tech Univ, Turkey),
Julio Flores (Univ Rey Juan Carlos, Spain),
Valentina Galvani (Alberta),
Hailegebriel Gessesse (Alberta),
Nigel Kalton (Missouri, USA),
Arkady Kitover (Community College of Philadelphia, USA),
Mehmet Orhon (New Hampshire, USA),
Heydar Radjavi (Waterloo),
Anton Schep (South Carolina, USA),
Adi Tcaciuc (Alberta),
Vladimir Troitsky (Alberta),
Martin Weber (Technische Universität Dresden, Germany).
Recent Work in History of Mathematics
Org: Tom Archibald (SFU)
Tom Archibald (SFU),
Marcus Barnes (SFU),
June Barrow-Green (Open Univ., Milton Keyes, UK),
Branko Grünbaum (Washington),
William W. Hackborn (Augustana Faculty Camrose, Alberta),
Deborah Kent (SFU),
Reinhard Siegmund-Schultze (Harvard; Agder Univ. College, Norway),
Laura Turner (SFU).
Set Theory and Infinitary Combinatorics
Org: Stevo Todorcevic (Toronto)
Ilijas Farah (York),
Valentin Ferenczi (Paris VI, France),
Vera Fischer (York),
Piotr Koszmider (Sao Paolo, Brazil),
Jordi Lopez-Abad (Paris VII, France),
Justin Moore (Boise State, USA),
Cristian Rosendal (Illinois - Urbana, USA),
Slawomir Solecki (Illinois - Urbana, USA),
Juris Steprans (York),
Franklin Tall (Toronto),
William Weiss (Toronto).
Symmetry in Geometry
Org: Ted Bisztriczky (Calgary), Ferenc Fodor (Szeged, Hungary; Calgary), Richard K. Guy (Calgary) and Asia Weiss (York)
Catharine Baker (Mount Allison),
Leah Berman (Ursinus College, USA),
Andras Bezdek (Auburn, USA),
Karoly Bezdek (Calgary),
Robert Dawson (Saint Mary's),
Antoine Deza (McMaster),
Chris Fisher (Regina),
Branko Grünbaum (Washington, USA),
Heiko Harborth (Braunschweig, Germany),
Barry Monson (UNB),
Deborah Oliveros (UNAM, Mexico),
Tomaz Pisanski (Ljubljana, Slovenia),
Egon Schulte (Northeastern, USA),
Arthur Sherk (Toronto).
Contributed Papers Session |
Org: Alexander Brudnyi (Calgary)
Contributed papers of 20 minutes duration are invited. There will be a
maximum of 20 papers in this session.
For an abstract to be eligible, the abstract, the contributor's
registration form, and payment of registration fees have to be
received before April 10, 2006. To assist the organizers, please
include the Primary AMS Classification
( and specify
your wish to participate in the contributed papers session.