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The CMS/CAIMS Summer 2004 Meeting with the participation of CSFD and CSHPM
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia
June 13-15, 2004

On behalf of Dalhousie University, the Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites the mathematical community to the joint Summer 2004 Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) and the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society (CAIMS), with participation from the Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics (CSHPM) and the Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics (CSFD).

We look forward to welcoming our colleagues back to Halifax and sharing the pleasures of summertime here --- the CMS meeting was last at Dalhousie in 1990 and the CAIMS meeting was last in Halifax in 1990 (at the Technical University of Nova Scotia which has since joined Dalhousie). Following the usual formats of both societies, the meeting will include a wide variety of symposia, a session of contributed papers, plenary speakers, prize lecturers, a graduate student poster session, and a Public Lecture.

Most activities and all scientific talks will be held on the Dalhousie campus, with the main hub of activity being at the Marion McCain Arts and Social Sciences Building.

The most up-to-date information concerning the programmes, including detailed schedules, will be made available at this web site.

Meeting registration forms and hotel accommodation forms will appear in the February 2004 issue of the CMS Notes, will be sent out to CAIMS members in March 2004, and will be available on the web site, which will also provide on-line forms for registration and submission of abstracts.

Public Lecture

Edward Barbeau (University of Toronto) - Getting at the Truth

Plenary Speakers

Peter Cameron (Queen Mary University)
Craig Fraser (University of Toronto)
Mark Lewis (University of Alberta)
Alan C. Newell (University of Arizona/University of Warwick)
Peter Olver (University of Minnesota)
Frank T. Smith (University College London)
Mikhail Zaicev (Moscow State University)

Prizes and Awards

The CMS Jeffery-Williams Prize Lecture will be given by Joel Feldman, University of British Columbia.

The CAIMS Research Prize Lecture will be given by Robert D. Russell, Simon Fraser University; the CAIMS Cecil Graham Doctoral Dissertation Award Lecture will be given by Ramadan Akila, University of Guelph.

Keith Ranger, University of Toronto, is the recipient of the CAIMS Arthur Beaumont Distinguished Service Award.

Leo Jonker, Queen’s University, will receive the first CMS Excellence in Teaching Award.


Contributed Papers Session

(Org: Dick Sutherland, Dalhousie University)

Contributed papers of 20 minutes duration are invited. Abstracts for CMS contributed papers should be prepared as specified below. For an abstract to be eligible, the abstract, the contributor's registration form and payment of fees should be received before April 10, 2004. To assist the organizers, please include the Primary AMS Classification (

Please specify your wish to participate in the contributed papers session.

Poster Session

(Org: Alan Coley, Dalhousie University and Franklin Mendivil, Acadia University)

There will be a poster session for graduate students on Sunday, June 13th. Graduate students attending the conference are invited to submit an abstract describing their poster presentation. Abstracts should be prepared as described below. For an abstract to be eligible, the abstract, registration form and payment of fees should be received before April 10, 2004.

Please specify your wish to participate in the poster session.

Prizes for the poster session were generously donated by Maplesoft and Springer.

Maplesoft Maplesoft

Travel Grants

Information on funding for graduate students and post-docs for the CMS/CAIMS 2004 Meeting, June 13-15, 2004, and for the MITACS (Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems) 2004 Annual Conference, June 10-12, 2004.

CMS/CAIMS Meeting Grants

Limited funds are available to partially fund the travel and accommodation costs for graduate students. Applicants must be bona fide graduate students, at a Canadian or other university. Preference is given to Canadian students. To apply for this funding, applicants should submit a letter written by the supervisor or departmental graduate advisor, providing the following: name of student, area of study and level, how the student will benefit from the meeting, whether or not the student be speaking or giving a poster presentation, and what support is available from other sources.

This letter should be sent before April 10, 2004 and may be emailed to Applicants will be notified early in May of the funding decision.

If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.

For more information, please contact the Meeting Committee at

MITACS Funding

MITACS will provide funding for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows studying in the field of mathematics at a Canadian university to attend the MITACS 2004 conference. The funds are meant to provide financial assistance, rather than paying for all costs in their entirety. The reimbursement funds will range from $100 - $400 per person, depending on which region the student or fellow is traveling from. The funds will cover travel and accommodation costs only. MITACS has arranged many choices for affordable accommodation, which will be posted on the MITACS web site ( in the near future.

Students or fellows must register to attend the MITACS conference. After attending the conference, they should submit their original receipts to MITACS using a MITACS Expense Reimbursement Form, which will be included in the MITACS conference registration package.

Anyone requiring further information should contact the MITACS event coordinator Jo-Anne Rockwood, Tel: (604)291-3711, Fax: (604)268-6657, email:

Canadian Graduate Students attending both MITACS and the CMS/CAIMS Meeting

MITACS will try to provide funding assistance for travel to and from Halifax as well as accommodation for the three days of the MITACS meeting. The CMS/CAIMS will try to provide funding assistance for accommodation for the three days of the CMS/CAIMS/CSFD/CSHPM Meeting.

Social Events

The MITACS opening reception will take place on Thursday, June 10, from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic.

The MITACS Banquet is scheduled for Friday, June 11, from 6:00 p.m. at the Lord Nelson Hotel.

The Joint Meetings welcoming reception will be held on Saturday, June 12, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. at the Lord Nelson Hotel.

The Joint Meetings Lobster Banquet will take place at Pier 21 National Historic Site on Sunday, June 13, commencing at 7:30 pm, preceded by a cash bar at 6:00 p.m. Pier 21 was the gateway to Canada for nearly one million immigrants from 1928 to 1971. Complimentary tours of the museum will be available during the cocktail hour. Tickets to this event are available at $60.00 each.

The Delegates Luncheon will be held on Monday, June 14, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. in the McInnis Room of the Dalhousie Student Union Building. Dr. Leo Jonker (Queen’s University), the winner of the CMS Excellence in Teaching Award, will be giving a brief luncheon address to the delegates. A ticket to this luncheon is included in all registration fee categories.

A Public Lecture will be presented by Edward Barbeau (University of Toronto) on Monday, June 14, at 7:00 p.m. The lecture will be preceded by a reception at 6:30 p.m. in the foyer of the Marion McCain Arts and Social Sciences Building.

The CMS Student Committee cordially invites participating students to come to Dooley’s, 5686 Spring Garden Road, Halifax, (Tel. 902-423-2938) on Saturday June 12th at 8:30 p.m.

Coffee and juice will be available during the scheduled breaks.

A detailed schedule of all social and other events is available from the schedule page of the meeting web site.

Related Activities

2004 Project NExTMAC National Workshop - June 12

A professional development workshop for junior mathematics and statistics faculty, as well as graduate students intent on pursuing careers in academia, is being planned to take place on Saturday June 12th 2004 (the day immediately prior to the 2004 CMS Summer Meeting). The workshop will take place at Dalhousie University in Halifax. As details of the workshop sessions and related events become finalised, they will be made available online at

This annual workshop is the central component of Project NExTMAC (New Experiences in Teaching Mathematics Across Canada), the primary goal of which is to provide junior mathematics and statistics faculty, many of whom do not have a wealth of teaching experience, with information and resources that will enable them to become better and more effective teachers of mathematics and/or statistics. In addition to sessions that focus on pedagogical issues related to teaching mathematics and statistics at the university level, the workshop aims to provide a setting in which junior faculty can freely share their ideas and concerns with a group of peers.

Since activities and responsibilities that are not directly tied to teaching can have profound effects on teaching effectiveness, we also plan to address other issues that impact on the overall success and well-being of junior faculty. These can include avoiding taking on too many academic service commitments, struggling to establish and maintain a research program, coping with academic politics, protecting one's personal time from being overwhelmed by professional duties, and other issues that junior faculty face as they make the adjustment from being graduate students to being university faculty.

To register for the workshop, mark the "NExTMAC Workshop" item in the "Related Events" section of the CMS Meeting registration form. A nominal registration fee of $15 will be charged, and a lunch will be provided.

5th Annual MITACS Conference, June 10-12

MITACS is federally-funded Network of Centres of Excellence on the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems. Each year MITACS holds an Annual Conference and Interchange which in 2004 will be held from June 10-12 on the Dalhousie University campus, immediately prior to the CMS/CAIMS Joint meeting.

The theme of the 5th Annual MITACS Conference is "The Mathematics of Environment and Sustainable Resources". This year, the Annual Conference will also include the Atlantic Interchange, which is a one-day networking event that brings together the best and the brightest from across the region including leading-edge industry, government representatives, university professors and research associates, graduate and undergraduate students. We expect over 500 attendees at this year's conference.

The first day of the event is the Interchange, a networking event for students, industry and government. Students and postdocs are given the opportunity to present their research in poster form, and prizes are awarded for the best posters. Talks are given in parallel, highlighting various applications of mathematical sciences research and aimed at a general level accessible to all participants. The second day, June 11, is the Annual Conference, which this year is focused on the theme of "Environment and Sustainable Resources." Talks are given throughout the day by speakers from MITACS projects, industry and government partners, with an emphasis on topics related to this year's theme. On June 12, the MITACS students have organized a full day consisting of student presentations, as well as two short courses on "hot topics" in mathematical sciences research.

MITACS events have been designed with one common purpose - to bring together partner organizations in the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors with university researchers to generate solutions. The 5th Annual Conference and Atlantic Interchange is your opportunity to participate with others in the mathematical community by listening to top speakers, network at the Atlantic Interchange, showcase your research work by presenting a poster, and socialize with your peers at a national level.

More details about MITACS and the event can be found on the MITACS web site

11th Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, June 16-20

The 11th Annual Canadian Undergraduate Mathematics Conference (CUMC) will take place at Dalhousie University, June 16-20, 2004.

More details about the CUMC can be found at the web site

NSERC Workshop
Tuesday June 15, 2004
1:00 pm

NSERC staff and Grant Selection Committee members will present an interactive overview of the peer review process, inform you of the latest changes at NSERC, give useful advice for the preparation of your next NSERC application and answer your questions on the functioning of grant selection committees.

The workshop is open to all researchers. It will be particularly helpful to new faculty members and researchers likely to apply (or re-apply) in the fall.

Business Meetings

The CMS and CAIMS will be holding business meetings during the course of the meeting. Additional information will be provided in later announcements and may be found on the CMS and CAIMS websites.

The CMS Executive Committee Meeting will be on Friday, June 11, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Vanguard Room II of the Lord Nelson Hotel.

A joint luncheon for the CMS and CAIMS Executive and Committee Chairs will be held on Saturday, June 12, from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Admiral Room of the Lord Nelson Hotel.

The CMS Board of Directors Meeting will be held on Saturday, June 12, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Imperial Ballroom of the Lord Nelson Hotel.

The CAIMS Board of Directors Meeting will be on Saturday, June 12, from 1:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Vanguard Room II of the Lord Nelson Hotel.

The CMS Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 13, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Dalhousie University. Lunch will be provided. All CMS members are invited to attend.

The CAIMS Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 13, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. at Dalhousie University. Lunch will be provided. All CAIMS members are invited to attend.

A detailed schedule of business meetings and other events is available from the schedule page of the meeting web site.


Exhibits: Exhibits will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. on June 13 and 14 in the second floor foyer of the Student Union Building. The CMS exhibit is located in the upper lobby of the McCain Building; the CAIMS exhibit is located in the lower lobby of the McCain Building. Both exhibits will be open throughout the course of the meeting.

Joint Exhibit: This exhibit features books and other products from publishers and other companies and organizations not represented at the meeting. Order forms will be available at the exhibit for your convenience. The CMS will forward any orders to the corresponding company after the meeting. Books and other materials that will be displayed at this Joint Exhibit will be donated to the host university.

CMS Membership Booth and Book Display: We invite delegates to visit the CMS Membership Booth and Book Display. A representative will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day to answer questions about membership, future meetings, publications, and other programs.

News from Research Institutes: The Canadian Research Institutes have been invited to display news on their recent and future activities. We invite delegates to visit the display.

Information Table: In response to members' suggestions, this table will be set up in the registration area for information of interest to delegates. Please send a copy of your announcement to the CMS Exhibits Coordinator, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5, facsimile (613) 565-1539.

All announcements require prior approval. Once approved, the delegate may display up to 100 copies of the announcement. The delegate is responsible for providing all copies for display and for removing any remaining copies before 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the meeting. After that time, all remaining material will be discarded.

Announcements may not be posted in the registration or meeting area. Personal distribution of announcements is also not allowed. Announcements of events competing in time or place with the meeting program cannot be accepted.

This table is not meant for material promoting products or services for sale. Those wishing to promote products for sale should contact the Exhibits Coordinator for information on the Joint Exhibit.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts for talks will be published in the meeting programme and will also be available on-line.

Abstracts must be sent electronically, following instructions given below.

Speakers are asked to submit their abstracts as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of abstracts is April 10, 2004. The organizers appreciate the cooperation of all speakers in observing this important deadline.

For electronic submission of abstracts, either go to the forms section of the meeting website or send a file, containing session name, speaker's name, affiliation, address, title of talk, and abstract to

Include your session name in the subject line of your mail. For contributed papers, to better assist organizers, please include the 2000 AMS Subject Classification (

The important deadline for submission of all abstracts is April 10, 2004.


The registration form is also available from:

CMS Executive Office
577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5702 FAX: 613-565-1539

Electronic pre-registration is also available.

Payment for preregistration may be made by cheque, or by VISA or MasterCard. Although registration fees are given in Canadian dollars, delegates may send cheques in US dollars by contacting their financial institution for the current exchange rate.

Please note that payment must be RECEIVED IN OTTAWA on or before May 1 in order to qualify for reduced rates. In order for your payment to be processed before the meeting, it should be received by May 31.

 Before May 1After May 1
Delegate's Luncheon included  
Plenary speakers/prize lecturers $ 0 $ 0
Session speakers215280
        members with grants
        members without grants
One-day fee195255
Postdocs, retired110145
Teachers (K-12, CEGEP), students, unemployed5570
Banquet (free for plenary/prize speakers)6060

CMS = Canadian Mathematical Society
CAIMS = Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society
CSFD = Canadian Symposium on Fluid Dynamics
CSHPM = Canadian Society for History and Philosophy of Mathematics
AMS = American Mathematical Society
MAA = Mathematical Association of America

Why Preregister?

Wondering whether to pre-register or wait until you arrive? Here are some advantages to pre-registering.

  • many can take advantage of reduced fees until the early registration deadline (see above)
  • your name would appear on the list of participants on our web site
  • your Meeting Kit will be waiting for you at the reception on Saturday evening
  • no waiting in line early Sunday morning to process your registration!
  • banquet tickets are available now but may no longer be available on site
For all these reasons, we encourage you to preregister, whether it be before or after the early registration deadline. If you'd like to preregister and enjoy the above benefits, please visit our web site to use our online forms.

Refund Policy

Delegates wishing to cancel their registration must notify the CMS Executive Office in writing before May 31 to receive a refund less a $40 processing fee. Those whose contributed paper has not been accepted will upon request be fully refunded.

Do you qualify for free CMS membership?

An AMS or a MAA member who registers at a semi-annual meeting of the CMS and who is not a member of the CMS, is eligible for a one-time only, one-year free membership in the CMS.

If you qualify, please visit the CMS booth to complete a membership application form. Please provide proof of current AMS or MAA membership. This offer applies to new members only.


It is recommended that bookings be made early in order to avoid disappointment. Blocks of rooms will be held at the locations given below until the specified deadlines. Reservations made after these dates will be on a space available basis. Rates are per room per night and are quoted in Canadian dollars. The conference rate is usually available up to two days before and after the meeting. All delegates must make their own reservations; please quote the Group code. Reservations must be guaranteed by a one-night deposit or a major credit card.

Lord Nelson Hotel
1515 South Park Street, Halifax NS B3J 2L2
15 minute walk to campus; bus #1 or 10.
Check-in 3 pm; check-out 1 pm
Applicable taxes: 15% HST, Marketing Levy 1.5%
Deadline: 10 May 2004
Group code: MATHS 2004
Phone: 902-423-6331; toll-free in Canada 800-565-2020
Fax: 902-423-7148;
Parking: valet parking at $12.50 daily plus tax

$129 single or double occupancy
$20 each additional adult
Suites are available at higher cost

Holiday Inn Select Halifax Centre
1980 Robie Street, Halifax NS B3H 3G5
15 minute walk to campus; bus # 3 or 7
Check-in 3 pm; check-out 12 noon
Applicable taxes: 15% HST; 1.5% Marketing Levy
Deadline: 10 May 2004
Group code: MAT01
Phone: 902-423-1161; toll-free 888-810-7288
Fax: 902-423-9069;
Parking: $9 daily plus tax

$135 single or double occupancy
$10 each additional person
$145 Priority Club Floor
$155 Executive Floor

Howe Hall Residence 6230 Coburg Road, Halifax
Address for reservations: Conference Services
Room 407, Student Union Building
6136 University Avenue, Halifax NS B3H 4J2
Check-in 3 pm; check-out 10 am
Applicable taxes: included in room rates
Deadline: 10 May 2004
Group code: Math Society Conference
Phone: 902-494-8840 (24 hours)
Fax: 902-494-1219;
Parking: $4 daily including tax

Rates:  $39.59 single, taxes included
$59.33 double, taxes included
(A student rate is available for those with valid student identification)
Breakfast: in the dining hall every day on a cash basis

When making your reservation, please clarify payment and cancellation policies as these vary from hotel to hotel. You should get a confirmation number for future reference.

Additional information regarding accommodation choices will be posted to the meeting web site as it becomes available.

Child Care

Information regarding available child care may be provided by the meeting hotels. Advance research and arrangements are recommended.

Please contact the hotels directly to make enquiries. Additional information will be posted to the meeting web site as it becomes available.


Detailed information regarding Dalhousie University, the City of Halifax, and the Province of Nova Scotia, including tourism information, local weather and climate, site and street maps, and itineraries for self-guided tours, are available at the following websites:


Support from the following is gratefully acknowledged. Additional information regarding support for this meeting will be posted to the meeting web site as it becomes available.

  • Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences
  • le Centre de Recherches Mathématiques
  • The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences
  • Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems
  • Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences
  • Acadia University
  • Dalhousie University
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland
  • Mount Allison University
  • Saint Mary's University
  • Nova Scotia Department of Education
  • Maplesoft
  • Springer
  • Unisys Canada Inc.

The Canadian Mathematical Society would like to acknowledge the contribution of the members of the Meeting Committee for organizing this meeting.

Meeting Committee


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