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CMS Summer Meeting 2003
June 14 - 16, 2003
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta

On behalf of the University of Alberta, the Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences invites all researchers, educators and students to the Summer 2003 Meeting of the Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS).

The members of the Department are looking forward to welcoming their colleagues back to Edmonton, a site of previous successful CMS meetings. Following the usual format, the meeting will include a wide variety of symposia, a session of contributed papers, five plenary speakers, as well as the Jeffery-Williams and Krieger-Nelson Prize lecturers. There will also be a Public Lecture delivered by Robert Moody of the University of Alberta.

Most activities and all scientific talks will be held on the campus of the University of Alberta.

The most up-to-date information concerning the programmes, including detailed schedules, will be made available at this web site.

Meeting registration forms and hotel accommodation forms are available on the web site, along with on-line forms for registration and submission of abstracts.

Public Lecture

Robert Moody (University of Alberta).

Plenary Speakers

Ingrid Daubechies (Princeton University),
Roland Glowinski (University of Houston),
Gerhard Huisken (Tuebingen/Albert Einstein Institute),
James Lepowsky (Rutgers University),
Dennis Shasha (Courant Institute).

Prizes and Awards

The CMS Jeffery-Williams Lecture will be given by Ram Murty, Queen's University.

The CMS Krieger-Nelson Lecture will be given by Leah Keshet, University of British Columbia.

Contributed Papers Session

Org: to be announced.

Contributed papers of 15 minutes duration are invited. Abstracts for CMS contributed papers should be prepared as specified below. For an abstract to be eligible, the abstract must be received before April 15, 2003. The abstract must be accompanied by its contributor's registration form and payment of the appropriate fees.

To better assist organizers, please include the Primary (2000) AMS Classification (

Travel Grants for Graduate Students

Limited funds are available to partially fund the travel and accommodation costs for graduate students. For more information, please contact the Meeting Committee at

Applicants must be bona fide graduate students, at a Canadian or other University. To apply for this funding, please have a letter written by your Supervisor or departmental Graduate Advisor, briefly answering the following: Name of Student, Area of study and level, How will the student benefit from the meeting? Will the student be speaking? What support is available from local sources or grants, for this student?

Please have this sent before May 1, 2003. This letter may be emailed to Applicants will be notified early in May of the funding decision.

If successful, the student will receive a cheque for reimbursement of expenses upon completion and submission of the standard Travel Expense Claim Form, along with appropriate original receipts.

Related Activities

2003 Project NExTMAC National Workshop

A 1 or 2-day professional development workshop for junior mathematics and statistics faculty is being planned to take place immediately prior to the 2003 CMS Summer Meeting. The workshop will take place at the University of Alberta. As details of the workshop sessions and related events become finalised, they will be made available online at

This annual workshop is the central component of Project NExTMAC (New Experiences in Teaching Mathematics Across Canada), the primary goal of which is to provide junior mathematics and statistics faculty, many of whom do not have a wealth of teaching experience, with information and resources that will enable them to become better and more effective teachers of mathematics and/or statistics. In addition to sessions that focus on pedagogical issues related to teaching mathematics and statistics at the university level, the workshop aims to provide a setting in which junior faculty can freely share their ideas and concerns with a group of peers.

Since activities and responsibilities that are not directly tied to teaching can have profound effects on teaching effectiveness, we also plan to address other issues that impact on the overall success and well-being of junior faculty. These can include avoiding taking on too many academic service commitments, struggling to establish and maintain a research program, coping with academic politics, protecting one's personal time from being overwhelmed by professional duties, and other issues that junior faculty face as they make the adjustment from being graduate students to being university faculty.

To register for the workshop, mark the "NExTMAC Workshop" item in the "Related Events" section of the CMS Meeting registration form. For those who register for the CMS Meeting, there will be no workshop registration fee. For those who wish to attend only the workshop (and not the CMS Meeting), complete the CMS Meeting registration form and pay the special "NExTMAC Only" fee.

Conference for Women Graduate Students in Mathematics

This special conference is being organized by Malgorzata Dubiel, Simon Fraser University, and will be held June 12-13, 2003 at the University of Alberta. More information on Connecting Women in Mathematics Across Canada.

Social Events

A welcoming reception will be held Friday, June 13, from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. (location to be announced).

A Public Lecture Reception will be held in connection with the talk by Robert Moody (Alberta). More details will be posted on our web site as they become available.

The Delegates' Luncheon will be held on Saturday, June 14, from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m. in the Banquet Room of Lister Hall, University of Alberta. A ticket to this luncheon is included in all registration fee categories.

A banquet will be held on Sunday, June 15, from 8:00 - 10:30 p.m. at The Provincial Museum of Alberta, 12845-102nd Avenue, preceded by a cash bar at 7:00 p.m. Tickets to this event are available at $50.00 each. Transportation will be provided. Buses will depart at 6:45 p.m. from Lister Hall.

Coffee and juice will be available during the scheduled breaks.

A detailed schedule of all social and other events is available from the schedule page of the meeting web site.

Business Meetings

The CMS will be holding business meetings during the course of the meeting.

A detailed schedule of business meetings and other events is available from the schedule page of the meeting web site.


Exhibits will be held during hours specified in the meeting schedule.

Submission of Abstracts

Abstracts for all talks will be published in the meeting programme and will also be available on-line.

Abstracts may be sent electronically, following instructions given below. Electronic submission of abstracts is preferred. If this is not possible, abstracts may also be prepared on the standard form available from the CMS Executive Office, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5.

Speakers are asked to submit their abstracts as soon as possible. The deadline for submission of abstracts has been set at April 15, 2003. The organizers appreciate the cooperation of all the speakers in observing this important deadline.

Electronic submission of abstracts: To submit your abstract, please go to the forms section of the meeting web site.

Alternatively, files including the session, speaker's name, affiliation, complete address, title of talk, and abstracts may be sent to (speakers), or (contributed papers).

Please make sure to include the session name in your subject line. For contributed papers, to better assist organizers, please include the 2000 AMS Subject Classification (

Important deadline for submission of all abstracts: April 15, 2003


The registration form is also available from:

CMS Executive Office
577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A
Ottawa, Ontario CANADA K1N 6N5
Tel: 613-562-5702 FAX: 613-565-1539

Electronic pre-registration is also available.

Payment for preregistration may be made by cheque, or by VISA or MasterCard. Although registration fees are given in Canadian dollars, delegates may send cheques in US dollars by contacting their financial institution for the current exchange rate.

Please note that payment must be RECEIVED IN OTTAWA on or before May 1 in order to qualify for reduced rates. In order for your payment to be processed before the meeting, it should be received by May 31.

 Before May 1After May 1
Delegate's Luncheon included  
Plenary speakers/prize lecturers$0 $0
Session speakers215215
CMS/AMS/MAA members with grants290375
CMS/AMS/MAA members without grants145190
One-day fee195255
Postdocs, retired110145
Teachers (K-12, CEGEP), students, unemployed5570
Banquet (free for plenary/prize speakers)5050

CMS = Canadian Mathematical Society
AMS = American Mathematical Society
MAA = Mathematical Association of America

Why Preregister?

Wondering whether to pre-register or wait until you arrive? Here are some advantages to pre-registering.

  • many can take advantage of reduced fees until the early registration deadline (see above)
  • your name would appear on the list of participants on our web site
  • your Meeting Kit will be waiting for you at the reception on Friday evening
  • no waiting in line early Saturday morning to process your registration!
  • banquet tickets are available now but may no longer be available on site

For all these reasons, we encourage you to preregister, whether it be before or after the early registration deadline. If you'd like to preregister and enjoy the above benefits, please use our online forms.

Refund Policy

Delegates wishing to cancel their registration must notify the CMS Executive Office in writing before May 31 to receive a refund less a $40 processing fee. Those whose contributed paper has not been accepted will upon request be fully refunded.

Do you qualify for free CMS membership?

An AMS or a MAA member who registers at a semi-annual meeting of the CMS and who is not a member of the CMS, is eligible for a one-time only, one-year free membership in the CMS.

If you qualify, please visit the CMS booth to complete a membership application form. Please provide proof of current AMS or MAA membership. This offer applies to new members only.


It is recommended that those attending the conference book early to avoid disappointment. Blocks of rooms have been reserved at the locations given below and will be held until the deadlines specified. Reservations not made by that date will be on a space available basis. Rates are per room, per night and are quoted in Canadian dollars.

Crowne Plaza Chateau Lacombe
10111 Bellamy Hill, Edmonton (Alberta) Canada T5J 1N7
Location: Connected to campus by LRT train, 4 stops.
Check-in: 1:00 p.m.; Check-out: 1:00 p.m.
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Hotel tax (5%)
Deadline: May 11, 2003
Group Code: CMS 2003
Phone: 780-428-6611 toll-free: 800-661-8801
FAX: 780-425-6564
parking: $7.50 daily (self-parking), valet parking also available

Rates:$85, single/double occupancy (1 bed)
 $85, twin occupancy (2 beds)
 $129, Club Executive Level
 $149, Studio Suite
 $199, Executive Suite

Varscona Hotel
8206 - 106 Street, Edmonton (Alberta) Canada T6E 6R9
Location: 20 minutes walk from campus
Check-in: 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Hotel tax (5%)
Deadline: May 11, 2003
Group Code: GMAT or 1008
Phone: 780-434-6111 Toll-free: 1-888-515-3355
FAX: 780-439-1195
parking: complimentary self-parking (valet parking also available)

Rates:$110, single or double (2 people) occupancy
 $20 per additional person (12 years and older) to a maximum of 4 people per room

Tower on the Park
9715 - 110 Street, Edmonton (Alberta) Canada T5K 2M1
Location: Connected to campus by LRT train, 1 stop, or 20 minute walk
Check-in: 4:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Hotel tax (5%)
Deadline: May 11, 2003
Group Code: 856
Phone: 780-488-1626
FAX: 780-488-0659
parking: complimentary self-parking

Rates:$69, single/double occupancy (1 bed)
 $89, single/double occupancy (2 bedrooms)

Campus Tower Suite Hotel
11145 - 87 Avenue, Edmonton (Alberta) Canada T6G 0Y1
Location: on campus
Check-in: 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 12:00 noon
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Hotel tax (5%)
Deadline: May 11, 2003
Group Code: CMS 2003 or Leader Number 69940
Phone: 780-439-6060 Toll-free: 1-800-661-6562
FAX: 780-433-4410
parking: complimentary self-parking

Rates:$89, single or double (2 people) occupancy
 $20 per additional person (19 years and older) to a maximum of 4 people per room

University of Alberta Residences
44 Lister Hall, 87 Avenue at 116 Street, Edmonton (Alberta)
Check-in: after 3:00 p.m.; Check-out: 11:00 a.m.
Applicable taxes: GST (7%), Hotel tax (5%) - included in daily rate
Deadline: May 11, 2003
Group Code: CMS (or Canadian Mathematical Society)
Phone: 1-780-492-4281, ask for guest services
Toll-free: 1-800-615-4807 in Canada
FAX: 1-780-492-7032
parking: permits available at front desk, $4/day

Rates:$33.60, single, $44.80 twin
 breakfast on cash basis, parking not included

In all cases, delegates must make their own reservations. The conference rate is usually extended up to two days pre- and post-convention. PLEASE QUOTE THE GROUP CODE WHERE AVAILABLE.

Accommodation reservations and cancellations: In all cases, all reservations must be guaranteed by a first night deposit, or major credit card guarantee.

For the Crowne Plaza Chateau Lacombe, reservations will be held until 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. In the case of a "no show" or if a guaranteed reservation is not cancelled by 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor. NOTE: At the time of check-in on the day of arrival, all guests will be asked to verify their departure date. At that time, any necessary changes can be made without penalty. If the guest chooses to depart prior to this date, they will be assessed a fee of $25.00 per day against their credit card. Emergency situations will of course be taken into consideration.

For the Varscona, reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. In the case of a "no show" or if a guaranteed reservation is not cancelled by 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.

For the Tower on the Park, reservations will be held until 4:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. In the case of a "no show" or if a guaranteed reservation is not cancelled by 4:00 p.m. on the day PRIOR to the date of arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.

For the Campus Tower Suite Hotel, reservations will be held until 6:00 p.m. on the day of arrival. In the case of a "no show" or if a guaranteed reservation is not cancelled by 6:00 p.m. on the day PRIOR to the date of arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.

For the University of Alberta Residences, 48 hours cancellation notice is required to avoid charges. In the case of a "no show" or if a guaranteed reservation is not cancelled 48 hrs prior to expected arrival, the cost of the room for the first night will be charged to the guarantor.

Child Care

Information regarding available child care may be provided by the meeting hotels. Advance research and arrangements are recommended.

Please contact the hotels directly to make enquiries.

Additional information will be posted to the meeting web site as it becomes available.


The City of Edmonton: Detailed information regarding the University of Alberta and the City of Edmonton, including tourism information, local weather and climate, car rental information, site and street maps, and suggested One Day Itineraries for self-guided tours, are available at the following web sites:
Edmonton Transit System including LTR (light rail transit):

Parking: Guests at the Crowne Plaza may park for a daily fee of $7.50 (including GST). Valet parking is also available.

Information regarding parking at other hotels will be posted shortly.


Support from the following is gratefully acknowledged:

  • University of Alberta, Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences
  • University of Alberta Conference Fund
  • University of Alberta Faculty of Science
  • University of Alberta Theoretical Physics Institute
  • University of Alberta Applied Mathematics Institute
  • University of British Columbia Faculty of Science
  • University of British Columbia Mathematics Dept
  • University of Lethbridge
  • Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
  • Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics
  • Nelson, A Thomson Company
  • The National Programme Committee (a joint funding body of the Centre de recherches mathématiques, The Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, and The Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences)

The Canadian Mathematical Society would like to acknowledge the contribution of the members of the Meeting Committee for organizing this meeting.


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