
Abstracts - listed by speaker
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- Aggarwala, Bhagwan - On a difference equations model for propagation of HIV/AIDS
- Aguerrevere, Felipe - Equilibrium investment strategies and output price behavior: a
real-options approach
- Amundsen, David - Highly stable explicit evolution schemes based on
the Padé Approximant
- Anco, Stephen - Nonlinear deformations of the Yang-Mills equations
- Anderson, Michael - Dehn surgery construction of Einstein metrics
- Bahsoun, Wael - Weakly convex and concave random maps with position
dependent probabilities
- Bauer, Kristine Baxter - Towards classifying functors from spaces to spaces
- Behbahani, Majid - An exhuastive search for orthogonal designs of small order
- Bennett, Frank - Existence of (v, 5, w*)-PBDs
- Blanc, David - Rectifying homotopy commutative diagrams of spaces
- Bluskov, Iliya - Computing "small" designs
- Booth, Peter - On the use of non-standard mapping spaces in homotopy theory
- Borwein, David - A one-sided Tauberian theorem for the Borel summability method
- Bos, Len - Heisenberg frames
- Bowman, John - The dual cascade in bounded and unbounded two-dimensional fluids
- Brooks, Bernard - Searching for linear stability conditions of a first
order 4-dimensional discrete dynamic
- Brooks, Martin - Simplification of topological piecewise monotone functions
- Brown, Jason - Well-covered vector spaces of graphs
- Brudnyi, Alex - Remez-type inequalities for analytic functions
- Budney, Ryan - Geometric coincidences on knots
- Buescu, Cristin - Optimal portfolio management when there are taxes and
transaction costs
- Butscher, Adrian - The conformal constraint equations
- Cadenillas, Abel - Optimal manager compensation with choice of effort and volatility
- Caia, Claudia - Finite element method for 3D multiphase flow modelling:
validation and numerical results
- Campbell, Eddy - Modular invariant theory
- Cantrell, Steve - Brucellosis, botflies and brainworms: the impact of edge
habitats on pathogen transmission and species extinction
- Cao, Li-Qun - Multiscale mathematical methods and numerical simulations
in composite materials and porous media
- Carriere, Jacques - Martingale valuation of cash-flows for insurance and interest
- Chen, Jinwen and Zbigniew Ring - Modeling fixed-bed chemical reactors with high heat release
- Chen, Wen - Accuracy analysis for the first order sigma-delta system
- Chen, Yuming - Pattern formation in isolated neurons
- Cheng, Chuwang - Fault tolerant control systems with stochastic integral quadratic
- Chun, Chong Suh - The maximum sum of the values on the edges of a given graph
- Clarke, Nancy - Cops and robber played with partial information
- Coffey, John - Differentiation and Henstock integration of functions taking
values in an ordered vector space
- Cohen, Ralph - Graphs, loop spaces, and Morse theory
- Cornea, Octavian - The Serre spectral sequence and Lagrangian intersections
- Cosner, Chris - Multiple competitive reversals via changing boundary
conditions in a reaction-diffusion model
- Craigen, Rob - Classes of orthogonal matrices
- Craigen, Robert - Power Hadamard matrices
- Crowley, Diarmuid - Classifying bordisms
- Cummins, C. - Congruence subgroups
- Currie, James - The probabilistic method and problems in semigroups
- Darst, Richard - A fractal family
- Daubechies, Ingrid - An iterative algorithm for linear inverse problems with
a sparsity constraint
- Davies, Kevin - On symmetric pyramidal finite elements
- de Montigny, Marc
- Diekmann, O. - Quasilinear population models
- Ding, Feng - Parameter estimation for dual-rate systems with finite
measurement data
- Doyon, Benjamin - Twisted modules for vertex operator algebras and
Bernoulli polynomials
- Drake, David - Nets with and without ovals or hyperovals
- Du, Yihong - Realization of prescribed patterns in certain population models
- Dubuc, Serge - Scalar subdivision schemes and Hermite subdivision schemes
- Fairweather, Graeme - Orthogonal spline collocation methods for partial
integro-differential equations in two space variables
- Feng, Shui - The valuation of some American call options
- Ferrando, Sebastian - Haar wavelets systems for pricing and hedging financial derivatives
- Fila, Marek - Grow-up on the boundary
- Forbes, Fraser and Michael G. Forbes - Regulating discrete-time stochastic
processes: Focusing on the probability density function
- Forbes, Michael G. and Fraser Forbes - Regulating discrete-time stochastic
processes: Focusing on the probability density function
- Franke, John E. - Invading species impact the probabilty of extinction and
permance in discrete, competitive Lotka-Volterra systems
- Friesen, Sharon
- Gabardo, Jean Pierre - Wavelet sets and self-similarity
- Gannon, Terry - The classification of fusion rings, I
- Gannon, Terry - Graph theory in string theory
- Garg, Krishna - Derivability theorems in terms of some new derivatives
- Gavrilova, Marina - Exact computation library development: challenges
in manipulating floating-point numbers
- Gegenberg, J.
- Gegenberg, Jack - Using 3D stringy gavity to understand the Thurston conjecture
- Glowinski, Roland - Operator splitting methods for initial Value problems:
application to the direct numerical simulation of
particulate flow and to computational differential
- Goulden, Ian - Ramified covers, symmetrization and Lagrange's Theorem
- Graham, C. Robin - CR invariant powers of the sublaplacian
- Gumel, Abba - Nonstandard finite-difference methods for some real-life problems
- Gumel, Abba - Assessing the role of influenza vaccine: dynamics analysis
- Hadeler, K.P. - Moving populations with sedentary states
- Hastings, Harold M. - Microscopic fluctuations and pattern formation in a supercitical
oscillatory chemical system
- Hayes, Robert - Modelling and optimisation of the automotive catalytic converter
- Heppner, Kevin L. - Computation of mass transport in electrolytic systems
- Hooshmand, Hadi - Convex and concave limit summable functions
- Hu, Po - Some aspects of conformal field theory
- Huang, Biao - Control of chaos in a convective loop system
- Huisken, Gerhard - Analytical aspects of mean curvature flow with singularties
- Huisken, Gerhard - Surgery for geometric evolution equations
- Hwang, Hong Taek - Bounded vector measures on effect algebra
- Jackson, Mark - The classification of fusion rings, II
- Jasinski, Jakub
- Kent, Candace M. - On x[n+1]=max{A[n]/x[n],B[n]/x[n-1]}
with periodic parameters
- Keshet, Leah - Mathematical biology of cellular and biomedical problems
- Kharaghani, Hadi - A review of Ionin-type designs
- Kimmel, Bob - Market price of risk specifications for affine models: theory and
- Kirkland, Steve - Digraph-based conditioning for Markov chains
- Kolacz, Henryk - Statistics lab exams on-line system
- Kopotun, Kirill - Coconvex polynomial approximation
- Kreher, Don - Computing transverse t-designs
- Kriz, Igor - D-brane cohomology and elliptic cohomology
- Kunze, Herbert - The role of collage coding in parameter estimation
- Lagu, Indy
- Lam, Clement - An update on the computer search for a (22,33,12,8,4)-BIBD
- Lamken, Esther - Skew SOLS-ordered room squares
- Lazrak, Ali - Information neutrality in the stochastic differential utility
- Leeming, David J. - Real roots of the Bernoulli Polynomials-the ambiguous case
- Lemire, Daniel - Quadratic and cubic 2-step subdivision schemes
- Lepowsky, J. - Intertwining operators for vertex operator algebras and
recursions for q-series
- Lepowsky, James - An introduction to vertex operator algebra theory
and some of its problems
- Lewis, Gaunce - Localizing Mackey functors at Mackey functor prime ideals
of the Burnside ring
- Lewis, Mark - Pattern formation via scent-marking
- Lewis, Paul - Strong Dunford-Pettis sets and spaces of operators
- Lewis, Ted
- Li, Ben - A parallel algorithm for enumerating covering designs
- Li, Chenkuan - On defining the product r-k ·Ñl d
- Liang, Dong - Nonstandard upwinding finite covolume methods for the convection
diffusion problems
- Lin, Tao - An immersed finite element method for axial symmetric
3-D nonlinear interface problems
- Liu, Andy
- Liu, Shijie - Parametric estimation and error structure
- Liu, Xiaodong - New approaches to H¥-control for T-S Fuzzy
descriptor systems via LMI approach
- Loeb, Peter - Lusin's Theorem and Bochner Integration
- Long, Mike - TIGERS: Connecting K-12 with higher ed, innovative teaching with
- Lutscher, Frithjof - From Langevin's equation to biological application
- Mahdavi-Amiri, Nezam - ABS solution of full row rank linear inequality systems
over real and integer spaces
- Mann, R. - From soup to NUTS
- Mann, Robert - Nutty thermodynamics and the AdS/CFT correspondence
- Marinov, Tchavdar - Identification the heat-conduction coefficient via method of
variational imbedding
- Marinova, Rossitza - Strong stability in solving higher Reynolds number
incompressible flows via finite-difference operator splitting
- Masuda, Ariane - A characterization of permutation polynomials based on
their coefficients
- Mathieu, P.
- Mathieu, Pierre
- Mauger, Justin - The cohomology of certain Hopf algebras associated
with p-groups
- May, Peter - Parametrized equivariant homotopy theory
- Meagher, Karen - Covering arrays on graphs
- Melnikov, Alexander - On the pricing of life-insurance contracts based on risky assets
- Mendivil, Franklin - Hausdorff measure and dimension of general cantor sets
- Min-Oo, M. - Asymptotically symmetric spaces
- Mishna, Marni - A holonomic approach to combinatorics
- Mo, Qun - Symmetric wavelet frames with high vanishing moments
- Moody, Robert - Tilings: an evening excursion to the zoo
- Moore, Shai - Recursive and parameterized constructions for all
k-extended Langford sequences of large defect, hooked and
- Moorhouse, Eric - On the chromatic number of the plane
- Muldowney, Pat - A generalized Black-Scholes equation without Ito calculus
- Muldowney, Patrick - Cousin's Lemma in infinite dimensions
- Mullen, Gary - Sets of partially orthogonal latin squares and projective planes
- Mullin, Ron - The factorization of certain polynomials in finite fields
- Murty, Ram - Ramanujan graphs and zeta functions
- Musial, Paul - The Lr-Henstock-Kurzweil Integral
- Muthuvel, Kandasamy - Sets with no repeated differences
- Nicas, Andrew - Trace and duality in symmetric monoidal categories
- Nikolaev, Igor - Noncommutative geometry of 3-manifolds
- Page, Don - Positive mass without local energy conditions
- Phelps, Kevin
- Pierce, Pamela - On the invariance of classes FBV, LBV under
- Pless, Vera - Explicit constructions of families of LDPC codes with girth at
least six
- Polacik, Peter - On global solutions of semilinear parabolic equations on
- Popovici, Florin - A general Riemann-type integration theory including the
Bochner integral
- Pugh, Mary - Blowing-up exact solutions of long-wave unstable thin
film equations
- Radin, Michael A. - Unbounded solutions of a max-type difference equation
- Randall, Duane - On tangent 4-fields with finite singularities
- Rasmussen, J. - On the su(2)-1/2 WZW model
- Rees, Rolf - An application of Skolem sequences to the construction
of pairwise balanced designs
- Remarks, Welcoming
- Remillard, Bruno - Discrete time problems in hedging strategies and portfolio
- Ring, Zbigniew and Jinwen Chen - Modeling fixed-bed chemical reactors with high heat release
- Rolfsen, Dale - Virtually orderable 3-manifold groups
- Ross, David - An elementary proof of Lyapunov's Theorem
- Rousseau, Christiane - Modulus of analytic classification of a family unfolding a
diffeomorphism with a parabolic point
- Rudyak, Yuli - Toward the general theory of affine linking numbers
- Sadofsky, Hal - Morava K-theory and inverse limits
- Samavati, Faramarz - Diagrammatic tools for generating biorthogonal multiresolutions
- Sankaran, Parameswaran - A coincidence theorem for holomorphic maps to G/P
- Schleich, Kristin - Topological censorship and beyond: black holes and singularities
from topological structures in d > 4
- Seco, Louis - Entropy methods for time series calibration
- Selesnick, Ivan - Motion-based 3-D wavelet frames for video processing
- Semenoff, Gordon
- Semenoff, Gordon - Gauge fields, strings and gravity
- Shasha, Dennis - Upstart puzzles
- Sheen, Dongwoo - Nonconforming elements on quadrilaterals
- Silva, Cesar - Mixing on a class of rank one transformations
- Sivaloganathan, S. - Tracking the motion of the vevtricular wall in shunted
- Skoug, David - Integral transforms, convolution products, and first variations
of functionals on Wiener space
- Sleeman, Brian - A reinforced random walk model of tumour angiogenesis
- Stanley, Don - The rational homotopy type of a blowup
- Stewart, James - Three centuries of calculus wars
- Stokke, Anna - A symplectic Desarmenien matrix
- Surya, Sumati - Singular propagation of quantum fields in topology changing
- Taksar, Michael - Ruin probability minimization and dividend distribution
optimization in diffusion models
- Talvila, Erik - The distributional Denjoy integral
- Tamayo, Edgar
- Tang, Moxun - Turing patterns in the CIMA reaction diffusion system
- Thieme, Horst - Compact attractors for a class of nonlinear evolution equations
- Thomas, Hugh - Analogues of the map from Sn to triangulations of an
n+2-gon in other types
- Thulasiram, Ruppa - Fast Fourier transform in option pricing-a parallel algorithm
- Trummer, Manfred - Adaptive multiquadric collocation for boundary layer problems
- Vaidya, Sachin - Perturbative and nonperturbative dynamics in noncommutative
- Vaillancourt, Remi - Smooth tight frame wavelets and image microanalysis in the Fourier
- Vallin, Robert - On preserving quasi-metrics and weightability
- van Roessel, H.
- Van Vleck, Erik - Spatially discrete models of nerve impulses
- Visentin, Terry - Recent progress on the Q-conjecture
- Walton, M. - Affine fusion
- Wang, Hao - Calibrated models for heavy-tailed risk factors
- Wang, Shawn - Cone monotone functions: differentiability and continuity
- Wang, Xiandong - Holography and geometry of some convex cocompact hyperbolic
- Wang, Yang - On existence of Gabor basis
- Ware, Tony - A semi-Lagrangian wavelet method for convection-dominated
- Weaver, Marcia - Global foliation of spatially inhomogeneous solutions to
Einstein's Equation
- Wei, Jun Cheng - Ground state solutions for the Gierer-Meinhardt system
- Willis, Andrew - Condition monitoring of flow instrumentation through
inferential modeling
- Witt, Don - Charged and spinning initial data sets
- Wu, Lixin - LIBOR market model: from deterministic to stochastic volatility
- Xiao, Jie - Capacitary strongtype inequalities for fractional order
- Xu, Dashun - Threshold dynamics in a class of nonautonomous delay
differential equations
- Xu, Shuzhang - Some simple analysis in ML, MAP and turbo decoding
- Xu, Yuesheng - Greedy algorithms and tree wavelet approximation
- Yi, Yingfei - On almost automorphic pattern formation and spatial
- Yucas, Joe - Paley triple arrays
- Zachary, Woodford - An adjoint for operators in Banach spaces
- Zeng, Yong - A cass of partially-observed models for micro-movement of
asset orices with Bayesian inference via filtering
- Zhang, Jason - Radiation modeling of an air phase corrugated plate photocatalytic
- Zhang, Zhimin - A posteriori Error estimator based on polynomial preserving
- Zhao, Xiaoqiang - Saddle point behavior for monotone semiflows and
reaction-diffusion models
- Zhao, Xingqiu - Option pricing with modified fractional Brownian motion
- Zhou, Ping - Multivariate Padé approximants to some special functions
- Zhu, Huaiping - Bifurcation analysis of a predator-prey system with nonmonotonic
functional response
- Zou, Xingfu - Periodic solutions of neutral functional differential equations