The on-line statistics lab exam system developed in the Department of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta will be discussed and demonstrated. The purpose of the system is to carry out lab exams in undergraduate statistics courses on-line and mark the exams automatically. The exams are executed in computer labs under supervision and at the predetermined time. The questions and the related data files are selected randomly from a database. The system was successfully tested in Intersession last year and used in lab exams in Winter Term 2003.
Teams of Interdisciplinary Graduate Fellows Engaged to Re-invigorate Students in STEM, TIGERS, is a project that pairs up teams of graduate fellows in Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry, Biology, Physics, and Geography at West Virginia University with middle grade teachers and together they co-plan and co-teach unique standards-based, hands-on, inquiry centered, learning activities. TIGERS is funded by the National Science Foundation as part of the G K-12 Initiative. TIGERS teachers benefit from working with graduate fellows who have extensive knowledge in a particular field. The graduate fellows benefit from working with teachers who can help shape their teaching abilities. Of course, the students at the schools also benefit from the TIGERS experience, being actively engaged in new and unique learning opportunities which will enhance their educational experience and impact their later educational and career decisions. The session will highlight successes of this innovative program and the subsequent partnerships that have grown between the graduate fellows, the teachers, and the university. In addition, a sampling of some of the unique learning opportunities provided to the students will be shared.
The debate over how best to teach calculus has been going on for more than 300 years. We will see that the controversies of the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries mirror, to a large extent, our present-day discussions, particularly with respect to the role of rigour. What are the other issues fueling the current debate? Some instructors think that technology is the most important issue. Many cite the Rule of Four. Some believe that more attention should be paid to applications. Others say that the traditional calculus course needs no change. I will present a proposal for a truce that has the potential to unify these points of view.