
Website Accounts for CMS Members and Subscribers to CMS Periodicals

General Information

The CMS offers numerous electronic services to CMS members and subscribers to CMS periodicals including:

applications and renewals, changes to personal data, database searches, on-line versions of CJM and CMB as well as their complete indexes, Crux Mathematicorum on-line,...

These services are available to members and subscribers to who have paid their fees. To maintain access to these electronic services, renewals for the subsequent year must be received at the Executive Office by March 31. Additional electronic services for all members and subscribers are planned for the future.

CMS ID and Temporary Password

To access the various services, members and subscribers are required to use an ID number and password. Individual CMS members and subscribers receive a "CMS ID number" and a "Temporary Password" from the CMS Executive Office.

This CMS ID number is a 6-digit number which uniquely identifies members and subscribers on the CMS database. This number will not change and should be used in all subsequent correspondence with the Executive Office.

The Temporary Password is an 8-digit randomized alphanumeric string issued to each member and subscriber as part of their renewal or application.

A member or subscriber logging into a restricted area of the website for the first time must activate their CMS website account by entering the "CMS ID" and the "Temporary Password". He/she will then be required to select their own "Website Username" and "Website Password". The system will ensure that the selected username is unique. On subsequent logins, the member will be able to enter using their website Username plus their chosen Password.

The "Temporary Password" can only be used for the initial account activation. If the chosen website Username or Password is forgotten, the user must contact, requesting that the account be "reset". Once the account has been reset, the user will be provided with a temporary password. The user can then re-activate their account using their CMS ID and temporary password.