
Overview of the Society


The Canadian Mathematical Society (CMS) was originally conceived in June 1945 as the Canadian Mathematical Congress. The founding members hoped that "this congress [would] be the beginning of important mathematical development in Canada". Seeking to end confusion with the quadrennial mathematical congresses, a name change was considered for many years. Finally, upon its incorporation as a non-profit, charitable organization in 1978, a new name was adopted - the Canadian Mathematical Society.

The focus of the CMS is very much on the future - a future in which we will more aggressively reach out to and form new partnerships with the users of mathematics in business, governments and universities, educators in the school and college systems as well as other mathematical associations; and in doing so, share experiences, work on collaborative projects and generally enhance the perception and strengthen the profile of mathematics in Canada.


The goal of the Canadian Mathematical Society is to promote and advance the discovery, learning and application of mathematics.

Statement of Purpose

  1. To unify and support Canadian mathematicians through effective communication, broad membership, sponsorship of diverse activities, and partnerships with like professional societies.

  2. To support mathematics research through the communication of current research to both the specialist and non-specialist, public recognition of research accomplishments and collaboration with the research institutes, granting agencies and the users of mathematics.

  3. To support mathematics education through joint projects with mathematics educators at all levels, promotion of educational advancements, and partnerships with provincial ministries of education and organizations supporting mathematics education.

  4. To champion mathematics through initiatives that explain, promote and increase the general understanding of mathematics, provide extracurricular opportunities for students, and encourage partnerships with corporate, government and not-for-profit agencies.


Members of the CMS are multi-faceted. They care about the progress of mathematical research and the direction and development of education programmes in Canada. They search for new and inventive ways to inspire young minds and encourage established scholars. They are policy builders and strategists. They are also decision-makers for departments, faculties and private business.

Individual membership is available at one of three categories. Lifetime memberships are also available. For members residing outside of Canada, fees may vary.

Institutional membership is available at one of four categories, each providing a number of benefits. Institutional membership includes both hard copy and online domain access to the appropriate periodicals.


The CMS is managed by an Executive Committee of six elected members - a President, a Past-President or President-Elect and four vice-presidents representing each of four designated regions in Canada, along with an exofficio Treasurer and Executive Director & Secretary. The Executive reports to the Board of Directors. There is also an extensive committee structure, currently consisting of twelve active committees:

  • Advancement of Mathematics
  • Education
  • Endowment Grants
  • Electronic Services
  • Finance
  • International Affairs
  • Mathematical Competitions
  • Nominating
  • Publications
  • Research
  • Student
  • Women in Mathematics


  • The CMS currently holds reciprocity agreements with fourteen other mathematics societies.

  • Special agreements exist with the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America.

  • In partnership with the National Research Council, the International Affairs Committee acts as the Canadian National Committee to the International Mathematical Union.

Other features

The CMS supports library exchange programmes with journals from countries experiencing economic and currency restrictions by granting special discounts for institutional members.


Celebrating contributions to mathematics...

  • supports several prize lectureships and awards for research and education
  • publishes the most recent research in the Canadian Journal of Mathematics and the Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
  • provides a forum for the sharing of information and the networking of colleagues at its 3-4 day semi-annual meetings and its 2-week annual seminar, featuring internationally renowned plenary and session speakers
  • gives members an opportunity to organize additional self-supported special sessions at semi-annual meetings

Exploring issues in mathematics education...

  • publishes a leading problem-solving journal, Crux Mathematicorum
  • publishes compilations of problems & solutions featured in the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad
  • features educational sessions at all semi-annual meetings to encourage professional development for high school, college, and university level educators

Reaching out to students interested in mathematics...

  • administers the Canadian Mathematical Olympiad, Canada's premier annual national mathematics competition for high school students
  • selects, trains and supports the Canadian team to the yearly International Mathematical Olympiad
  • provides funding for a Public Lecture Series to promote awareness of mathematics

Giving Canadian mathematicians a voice...

  • member of the National Consortium
  • represents Canadian mathematicians to government
  • conducts the annual Survey of the Mathematics Profession in Canada

Providing a chance to get involved...

  • over 10% of our membership is actively involved in our journals, publications, contests, meetings and many committees addressing a range of issues

Journals & Subscription Publications

Canadian Journal of Mathematics (CJM) and Canadian Mathematical Bulletin (CMB):

  • Flagship publications of the Society, devoted to publishing original research works of high standard. The CJM typically publishes longer papers and the CMB publishes shorter papers. There are two set of Editors-in-Chief and a common Editorial Board.

Crux Mathematicorum:

  • International problem solving journal at the senior secondary and undergraduate levels. Includes an "Olympiad Corner" which is particularly applicable to students preparing for senior contests.

CMS Notes:

  • Primary medium of communication between the CMS and its members. It features columns on research, education, meetings, conferences, CMS committees at work, awards & career opportunities.

Springer CMS Books in Mathematics Series:

  • Series of advanced mathematics books. Submissions are encouraged from Canada and elsewhere. The Editors solicit, support and promote imaginative projects.

How the CMS is funded

  • Membership dues represent only a small portion of the revenue base of the CMS.
  • The research journals are self-supporting through a combination of subscriptions and voluntary page charges. No advertising is accepted for the CJM and the CMB.
  • Conferences are partially supported by NSERC Conference Grants but are largely self-funded through registration fees.
  • Many of the services and projects are funded through individual, government and corporate donations.

Membership Application

Please complete the membership application process on the member portal, or contact:

Memberships and Publications
Canadian Mathematical Society
209 - 1725 St. Laurent Blvd.
Ottawa ON K1G 3V4

Tel: (613) 733-2662 x785
