- 31.
- Find all continuous functions f: R ®R such that
- 32.
- Let n ³ 3 be a natural number. Prove that
- 33.
- Let n ³ 3 be a positive integer. Are there n positive integers a1, a2, ¼, an not all the same such that for each i with 3 £ i £ n we have
- 34.
- Find all integers p for which there are rational numbers a and b such that the polynomial x5 - px - 1 has at least one root in common with the polynomial x2 - ax - b.
- 35.
- Let P be an arbitrary interior point of an equilateral triangle ABC. Prove that
- 36.
- Let n be a positive integer and x > 0. Prove that
- 31.
- First solution. Setting (x, y) = (t, 0) yields f(t + f(0)) = f(t) for all real t. Setting (x, y) = (0, t) yields f(f(t)) = f(0) + t for all real t. Hence f(f(f(t))) = f(t) for all real t, i.e., f(f(z)) = z for each z in the image of f. Let (x, y) = (f(t), -f(0)). Then
- Taking (x, y) = (u, f(v)) yields
- 31.
- Second solution. Taking (x, y) = (0, 0), we find that
- 31.
- Third solution. Taking (x, y) = (0, 0) yields f(f(0)) = f(0), whence f(f(f(0))) = f(f(0)) = f(0). Taking (x, y) = (0, f(0)) yields f(f(f(0))) = 2f(0). Hence 2f(0) = f(0) so that f(0) = 0. Taking x = 0 yields f(f(y)) = y for each y. We can complete the solution as in the Second Solution.
- 32.
- First solution. Let N = nnnn - nnn. Since 1989 = 32 ·13 ·17,
- (i) xu º 0 (mod 9) whenever u ³ 2 and x º 0 (mod 3).
- (ii) x6 º 1 (mod 9) whenever x \not º 0 (mod 3).
- (iii) xu º 0 (mod 13) whenever x º 0 (mod 13).
- (iv) x12 º 1 (mod 13) whenever x \not º 0 (mod 13), by Fermat's Little Theorem.
- (v) xu º 0 (mod 17) whenever x º 0 (mod 17).
- (vi) x16 º 1 (mod 17) whenever x \not º 0 (mod 17), by FLT.
- (vii) x4 º 1 (mod 16) whenever x = 2y + 1 is odd. (For, (2y+1)4 = 16y3(y+2) + 8y(3y+1) + 1 º 1 (mod 16).)
- Note that
- Modulo 17. If n º 0 (mod 17), then nnn º 0, and so N º 0 (mod 17).
- If n is even, n ³ 4, then nn º 0 (mod 16), so that
- Suppose that n is odd. Then nn º n (mod 4)
- Modulo 13. If n º 0 (mod 13), then nnn º 0 and N º 0 (mod 13).
- Suppose that n is even. Then nn º 0 (mod 4), so that nnn - nn º 0 (mod 4). Suppose that n is odd. Then nnn - n - 1 º 0 (mod 16) and so nnn - nn º 0 (mod 4).
- If n º 0 (mod 3), then nn º 0 so nn(nnn - n - 1) º 0 (mod 3). If n º 1 (mod 3), then nnn - n º 1 so nn(nnn-n - 1) º 0 (mod 3). If n º 2 (mod 3), then, as nn - n is always even, nnn-n º 1 so nn(nnn-n - 1) º 0 (mod 3). Hence, for all n, nnn - nn º 0 (mod 3).
- It follows that nnn - nn º 0 (mod 12) for all values of n. Hence, when n is not a multiple of 13, n(nnn - n) º 1 so N º 0 (mod 13).
- Modulo 9. If n º 0 (mod 3), then nnn º 0 (mod 9), so N º 0 (mod 9). Let n \not º 0 (mod 9). Since nnn - nn is divisible by 12, it is divisible by 6, and so n(nnn - nn) º 1 and N º 0 (mod 9). Hence N º 0 (mod 9) for all n.
- The required result follows.
- 33.
- First solution. Letting bi = (ai, Si), we find that
- 33.
- Second solution. Let ai = 1, a2 = 2 and ai = 3 ·2i-3 for i ³ 3. Then
- 33.
- Third solution. [K. Purbhoo] Choose a1 at will, and let ai = Si-1 for i ³ 2. Then Si = Si-1 + ai = 2ai, ai + Si = 3ai, (ai, Si) = ai and [ai, Si] = 2ai for i ³ 2.
- 33.
- Fourth solution. [K. Yeats] Let a1 = 1, a2 = 3 and an = 2n-1 for n ³ 3. Then Sn = 2n for n ³ 2 and, for each i with 3 £ i £ n, (ai, Si) = 2i-1 and [ai, Si] = 2i.
- 34.
- First solution. A common rational root must be 1 or -1, in which case the respective values of p are 0 and 2. These roots are shared with x2 - 1 (a = 0, b = 1). Suppose that there is a common nonrational root r. Then r2 = ar + b so that
- 34.
- Second solution. The rational root case can be handled as in the first solution. By long division, we find that
- 35.
- First solution. The result is clear if P is on the bisector of the angle at A, since both sides of the inequality are 0.
- Wolog, let P be closer to AB than AC, and let Q be the image of P under reflection in the bisector of the angle A. Then
- Produce PQ to meet AB in R and AC in S. Consider the reflection  with axis RS. The circumcircle C of DARS is carried to a circle C¢ with chord RS. Since ÐRCS < 60° = ÐRAS and the angle subtended at the major arc of C¢ by RS is 60°, the point C must lie outside of C¢. The circumcircle D of DAPQ is carried by  to a circle D¢ with chord PQ. Since D is contained in C, D¢ must be contained in C¢, so C must lie outside of D¢. Hence ÐPQC must be less than the angle subtended at the major arc of D¢ by PQ, and this angle is equal to ÐPAQ. The result follows.

- 36.
- First solution. By the Arithmetic-Geometric Means Inequality, we have that
- 36.
- Second solution (by calculus). Let
- 36.
- Third solution. Let u = nx - 1 so that x = (1 + u)/n. Then