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Discrete Geometry / Géométrie discrète

(Org: Robert Erdahl, Marjorie Senechal, Walter Whiteley)

V. Alexandrov (University of Moscow) Sufficient conditions for the extendibility of an N-th order flex of polyhedra

Valery Alexeev (University of Georgia) Families of algebraic varieties associated with cell decompositions

Pau Atela (Smith College) Periodicity in geometric dynamical models in Phyllotaxis

Lynn Batten (University of Manitoba) Blocking sets and security

Margaret Bayer (University of Kansas) Eulerian partially ordered sets

András Bezdek (Auburn University) A Sylvester type theorem on circles

Karoly Bezdek (University of Budapest) On a stronger form of Rogers' lemma and the minimum surface area of Varoni cells in unit ball packings

T. Bisztriczky (University of Calgary) A signature theorem for unifrom oriented matroids

Jin-Yi Cai (University of Buffalo) A new transferenece theorem in geometry of numbers with applications to Ajtai's connection factor

R. Connelly (Cornell University) Holes in a membrane: tension percolation

H.S.M. Coxeter (University of Toronto) Whence does an ellipse look like a circle?

Balazs Csikos (Eötvös University, Budapest) Some results around the Hadwiger-Knesar-Poulsen conjecture

Ludwig Danzer and Gerrit van Ophuysen (University of Dortmund) A species of planar triangular tilings with inflation factor $\sqrt{-\tau}$

Robert Dawson (Saint Mary's University) What Shape is a Loaded Die?

Michel Deza and Mikhail Shtogrin (Ecole Normale Sup., Paris) Embedding of regular tilings and star-honeycombs

Robert Erdahl (Queen's University) Voronoi's hypothesis on perfect domains

Ferenc Fodor (Auburn University) Large polygons in convex sets and polygons with large perimeter

Deborah Franzblau (CUNY/College of Staten Island) Generic rigidity of molecular graphs

Christopher Gold (Laval University) Voronoi methods in geomatics - the importance of the spatial model

Chaim Goodman-Strauss (University of Arkansas) Addressing and substitution tilings

Timothy Havel (Harvard University) The role of tensegrity in distance geometry

Donald Jacobs (Michigan State University) Graph rigidity: Applications of material science and proteins

Gábor Kertétz (Eötvös Loránd University) Dido problem on planes of constant curvature

Wlodzimierz Kuperberg (Auburn University) Covering the cube with equal balls

Barry Monson (University of New Brunswick) Realizations of regular abstract polytypes

Konstantin Rybnikov (Queen's University) On traces of d-stresses in the skeletons of lower dimensions of homology manifolds

Idzhad Sabitov (Moscow State University) Solution of polyhedra

Peter Schmitt (Universität Wien) The versatility of (small) sets of prototiles

I. Talata (University of Budapest) On translative coverings of a convex body with its homothetic copies of given total volume

Anke Walz (Cornell University) The Bellows Conjecture in dimension four

Walter Whiteley (York University) Constraining a spherical polyhedron with dihedral angles

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