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Universal Algebra and Multiple-Valued Logic / Algèbre universelle et logique multiple valeurs
(Org: L. Haddad)
Clifford Bergman (Iowa State University) Complexity of some Problems in Universal Algebra
Jie Fang (Simon Fraser University) Ockham algebras with pseudocomplementation
Ibrahim Garro (University of Toronto) An application of non-well founded sets to infinite valued infinitary propositional calculus
George Grätzer (University of Manitoba) Independence Theorems for automorphism groups and congruence lattices of lattices
Jennifer Hyndman (University of Northern British Columbia) Dualizable is not the same as fully dualizable
Benoit Larose (Concordia University) Projective graphs and Hedetnyemi's conjecture
Jonathan Leech (Westmount College) Noncommutative lattices: foundational issues and recent results
Robert Quackenbush (University of Manitoba) Varieties of binary linear codes
Ivo Rosenberg (Université de Montréal) Completeness for uniformly delayed circuits
Ross Willard (University of Waterloo) Independence of the linear commutator