Next: 3) Set Theoretic Topology/Topologie Up: Topology - 4 Sub-sessions/ Previous: 1) Differential Geometry and
2) Homotopy Theory/Théorie de l'homotopie
(Org: Lisa Langsetmo, Jim Shank)
Dan Christensen (Johns Hopkins University) Phantom maps: all or nothing
Fred Cohen (University of Rochester) On stunted projective spaces
Gustavo Granja (MIT) On self maps of HPn
Steve Halperin (University of Toronto) The homotopy Lie algebra of a finite complex
Philip Heath (Memorial University) Fibre techniques in Nielsen perioidic point theory
Barry Jessup (University of Ottawa) Estimating the rational of LS-category of elliptic spaces
Brenda Johnson (Union College) Constructing and characterizing degree n functors
Keith Johnson (Dalhousie University) Elliptic homology cooperations
Sadok Kallel (University of British Columbia) The homology structure of free loop spaces
Kathryn Lesh (University of Toledo) Progress toward a partial splitting of E2 in the UASS for SO
Gaunce Lewis (Syracuse University) Recent results on Mackey functors for a compact Lie group
John Martino (University of Western Michigan) A Minami-Webb formula for compact Lie groups
Joe Neisendorfer (Rochester University) James-Hopf invariants, Anick's spaces, and decompositions of the double loops on a Moore space
Stewart Priddy (Northwestern University) Decompsing products of classifying spaces
Charles Rezk (Northwestern University) A model for the homotopy theory of homotopy theory
Laura Scull (University of Chicago) Rational S1-equivalent homotopy theory
Paul Selick (University of Toronto) Natural decompositions of loop suspensions and tensor algebras
Stephen Theriault (MIT) Homotopy exponents for certain mod-2(r) Moore Spaces

Next: 3) Set Theoretic Topology/Topologie Up: Topology - 4 Sub-sessions/ Previous: 1) Differential Geometry and