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Probability Theory/ Théorie des probabilités

(Org: Miklos Csörgo)

Siva Athreya (Fields Institute) Existance of positive solutions satisfying the boundary Harnack principle for a semi-linear Dirichlet problem

M. Claude Belisle (Université Laval) The hit-and-run sampler

David Brillinger (University of California, Berkeley) Some aspects of the motion of particles described by stochastic differential equations

Murray D. Burke (University of Calgary) Model checking and estimation: A large sample approach

Colleen D. Cutler (University of Waterloo) Scaling structures, chaos, and determinism in time series

Andre R. Dabrowski (University of Ottawa) A unified approach to fast teller queues and ATM

Eric Derbez (McMaster University) Generating functions and integrated super Brownian excursion (ISE)

Shui Feng (McMaster University) The behaviour of some degenerate diffusions near boundary under large deviations

Rene Ferland (Université du Québec à Montréal) Propagation of chaos: from Physics to Finance

Antonia Foldes (The College of Staten Island, CUNY) About the local time of random walk and Brownian motion

Genevieve Gauthier (École des Hautes Études Commerciales) Service de l'enseignement des methodes quantatives de gestion

Edit Gombay (University of Alberta) Correcting some limit theorems about the likelihood ratio

Lajos Horvath (University of Utah) Best approximations for bootstrapped processes with applications

Gail Ivanoff (University of Ottawa) Set-Indexed Martingales

Mike Kouritzin (University of Alberta) Parabolic equations with random coefficients

Reg Kulperger (University of Western Ontario) Empirical processes and tests of independence

Brenda MacGibbon (Université du Québec à Montréal) On statistical minimax estimation and principal Eigenfuctions of the Laplacian

Neal Madras (York University) In search of faster simulations

Don L. McLeish (University of Waterloo) Estimating parameters of financial time series using highs and lows

Majid Mojirsheibani (Carleton University) Combined estimation and probabilistic classification

Bruno Remillard (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières) Empirical Processes Based on Pseudo-Observations

Pál Révész (Math. Inst. Hung. Acad Sci.) Critical branching Weiner process

Jeffrey S. Rosenthal (University of Toronto) The mathematics of Merkov chain Monte Carlo algorithims

Tom Salisbury (York University) The complement of the planar Brownian path

Byron Schmuland (University of Alberta) Rademacher's theorem on configuration space

Qi-Man Shao (University of Oregon) Gaussian correlation conjecture and small ball probabilities

Zhan Shi (Université Paris VI) The maximum of the uniform emprical process

Gordon Slade (McMaster University) The scaling limit of the incipient infinite cluster in high-dimensional percolation

Chistopher G. Small (University of Waterloo) The analysis of random shapes

Barbara Szyszkowicz (Carleton University) An Interplay of weighted approximations and change-point analysis

Keith Worsley (McGill University) The geometry of correlation fields, with an application to functional connectivity of the brain

Hao Yu (University of Western Ontario) Weighted Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of stock return distributions

Ricardas Zitikis (Carleton University) The Vervaat, Lorenz and some other related processes of probability and mathematical statistics in weighted metrics

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