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Number Theory/ Théorie des nombres
(Org: Ram Murty, Noriko Yui)
Amir Akbary (Concordia University) On the distribution values of symmetric square L-functions in the half plane
Henri Darmon (McGill University) Modularity of hypergeometric abelian varieties
Chantal David (Concordia University)
Jacek Fabrykowski (University of Manitoba)
G. Frei (Laval University) On the discovery of the reciprocity law by Artin
Eyal Goren (Corcordia & McGill University, CICMA) Stratifications of moduli spaces and modular forms
C. Greither (University of Laval) On Brumer's Conjecture
James Huard (Canisius College, Carleton University) An arithmetic reciprocity relation of Liouville type and applications
Hershy Kisilevsky (Concordia University) Rank of E(K) for cyclic cubic extensions
Manfred Kolster (McMaster University) Higher relative class number formulas
Arne Ledet (Queen's University) Some small 2-groups as Galois groups
Claude Levesque (University of Laval) Explicit solutions of a family of Thue diophantine equations
Kumar Murty (University of Toronto) Zeros of Dedekind zeta functions in towers of fields
Werner Nowak (University of Austria) Large convex domains sometimes contain more lattice points than we would expect
Yiannis Petridis (McGill University) Zeros of the Riemann Zeta function and central values of the L-series of holomorphic cusp forms
Gael Rémond (University of Ottawa) Theta heights and Kodaira construction
Damien Roy (University of Ottawa) Criteria of algebraic independence and approximation by hypersurfaces
Gary Walsh (University of Ottawa) Solving families of quartic equations
Hugh Williams (University of Manitoba) Computer verification of the Ankeny-Artin-Chowla conjecture for all p<5.1010
Kenneth Williams (Carleton University) Values of the Dedekind eta function at quadratic irrationalities

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