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Exhibits: Exhibits will be open during specified hours in the Holidome area of the Holiday Inn. The CMS exhibit will be open throughout the course of the meeting.
Joint Exhibit: This exhibit features books and other products from publishers and other companies and organizations not represented at the meeting. Order forms will be available at the exhibit for your convenience. The CMS Operations Manager will forward any orders to the corresponding company after the meeting. Books and other materials that will be displayed at this Joint Exhibit will be donated to the local university.
CMS Membership Booth and Book Display: We invite delegates to visit the CMS Membership Booth and Book Display. A representative will be available from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. every day to answer questions about membership, future meetings, publications and other programmes.
Information table: In response to members' suggestions, this table will be set up in the registration area for information of interest to delegates. Please send a copy of your announcement to the Operations Manager, CMS, 577 King Edward, Suite 109, P.O. Box 450, Station A, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1N 6N5, facsimile (613) 565-1539.
All announcements require prior approval. Once approved, delegates may display up to 100 copies of the announcement. The delegate is responsible for providing all copies for display and for removing any remaining copies before 3:00 p.m. on the last day of the meeting. After that time, all remaining material will be discarded.
Announcements may not be posted in the registration or meeting area. Personal distribution of announcements is also not allowed. Announcements of events competing in time or place with the meeting programme cannot be accepted.
This table is not meant for material promoting products or services for sale. Those wishing to promote products for sale should contact the Operations Manager for information on the Joint Exhibit.

Next: CMS Business Meetings Up: Announcement Previous: Social Events