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On behalf of Queen's University and the Royal Military College we extend a warm invitation to attend the 1998 Winter Meeting of the CMS.
The meeting will be of exceptionally broad interest, with a programme encompassing at least eleven symposia, various meetings, and plenary talks including the Coxeter-James Lecture and a public lecture given by H.S.M. Coxeter of the University of Toronto. The symposia are in algebraic geometry, extremal combinatorics, discrete geometry, education, number theory, operator algebras, probability theory, universal algebra and multivalued logic, and topology. In addition there will be the usual session for Graduate Students and a session for Contributed Papers.
The meeting is centered at the Holiday Inn on the Kingston waterfront, and will run from Sunday, December 13 to Tuesday, December 15, 1998. Scientific activities will take place in the Holiday Inn and the Howard Johnson Confederation Place Hotel immediately adjacent to it.