


Résumés - par conférenciers Les résumés sont publiés sur le site Web à titre informatif seulement
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Les résumés seront publiés sur le site Web 10 jours ouvrables après leur
date de soumission.
- Adler, Mark - Generalized orthogonal polynomials, integral mechanics and
Darboux transforms on band matrices and weights
- Ageev, Sergei M. - Geometric models of the Chigogidze and Dranishnikov resolutions
- Allison, Bruce - Extended affine Lie algebras of nonreduced type
- Arthur, Jim - To be announced
- Baggett, Larry - An abstract formulation of wavelet theory
- Beals, Richard - Inverse scattering, strings, and moments
- Bell, Harold - On relating winding numbers and the fixed point index
- Benkart, Georgia - Classical Lie (super)algebras over associative algebras
- Benkart, Georgia - Canadian Lie algebras
- Berest, Yuri - I - Huygens' operators and Hadamard's conjecture
- Berest, Yuri - II - Geometry without points
- Billig, Yuly - To be announced
- Bonato, Anthony - New vertex partitions properties of graphs and digraphs
- Bousquet-Mélou, Mireille - The site-perimeter of bargraphs
- Boyd, David - Mahler's measure, hyperbolic geometry and the dilogarithm
- Brak, Richard - Combinatorial aspects of the simple asymmetric exclusion process
- Brechner, Beverly - Another approach to the Hilbert-Smith conjecture
- Britten, Dan - On the lattice of submodules of generalized Verma modules
- Brodskiy, Nikolay - Sections of maps with low-dimensional fibers
- Campbell, Colin - The expanding role of Mathcad in mathematical courses at
- Campbell, Jamie - Cognitive architecture and numerical skills
- Chatzidakis, Zoe
- Chatzidakis, Zoe - Model theory of generic difference fields
- Chen, Imin - On relations between induced representations for GL2(Z/p2Z)
- Choi, Kwok Kwong (Stephen) - Small prime solutions of quadratic equations
- Daverman, Robert J. - 4-manifolds as PL fibrators
- Deift, Percy - On the integrable method and some recent examples of its
unreasonable effectiveness
- den Hollander, Frank - Heteropolymers near interfaces
- Diao, Yuanan - Upper bounds on linking numbers of thick links
- Dilcher, Karl - Bernoulli numbers and confluent hypergeometric functions
- Dong, Chongying - To be announced
- Dranishnikov, Alexander N. - On asymptotic dimension
- Duff, Ana - Derivations of orthosymplectic Lie superalgebras
- Duplantier, Bertrand - Distribution of potential near conformally invariant
- Dydak, Jerzy - Strict contractibility
- Edwards, Rod - Common invariant proper cones and ray dynamics
- El-Yassini, Khalid - Some interior-exterior points methods for linear programming
- Fabel, Paul - Characterizations of almost periodic homeomorphisms of
metrizable spaces
- Fallat, Shaun - Eigenvalues of products of matrices and submatrices
in certain positivity classes
- Ferguson, Ron - Units in integral cyclic group rings for order 4p
- for Teaching, Implications I - discussion of Orzech/Orzech talk
- for Teaching, Implications II - discussion of Campbell/May/Rabinowitz
- for Teaching, Implications III - discussion of Sierpinska talk
- Forrest, Brian - The Fourier algebra as an operator space
- Fournier, John - The peculiar cases of the lower majorant property
- Friedlander, John - Exponential sums over thin sets
- Funk, Jonathan - Unramified maps
- Gannon, Terry - To be announced
- Gao, Yun - Double affine algebras
- Gekhtman, Misha - Inverse moment problem for elementary co-adjoint orbits
- Ghahramani, Fereidoun - Point derivations and amenability of measure algebras
- Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, Maria - G-conformal algebras
- Golenishcheva-Kutuzova, Maria - Soliton equations in terms of intertwining operator
- Graham, Colin - Arens Regularity for quotients Ap(E) of the Herz algebra
- Granirer, Edmond - A few remarks on quotients of the Fourier Algebra
- Griess, Bob - To be announced
- Grimmett, Geoffrey - Conformality and universality
- Guo, Chun-Hua - Iterative methods for a nonlinear matrix equation
- Guttmann, Tony - The scaling function of self-avoiding polygons
- Hare, Donovan - Color critical subgraphs of color critical graphs
- Hare, Kevin - Spectra of Pisot numbers
- Hart, Bradd - To be announced
- Herman, Allen - A maximal eigenvalue conjecture equivalent to permanental dominance
- Hu, Zhiguo - Inductive extreme non-Arens regularity of the Fourier algebra
- Huang, Jing - Convex-round and concave-round graphs
- Hurtubise, Jacques - Multi-Hamiltonian structures, classical r-matrix systems
spectral transforms and separation of variables
- Illanes, Alejandro - Continua determined by their hyperspaces
- Izmirli, Ilhan - On some generalizations of an indeterminate problem of
Ibn Hamza
- James, Edna - Critical exponents for trails in Z2 with a
fixed number of vertices of degree 4
- Janse van Rensburg, Buks - Knots in adsorbing polygons
- Jarai, Antal - Incipient infinite clusters in 2D percolation
- Jaworski, Wojciech - Probability measures on almost connected amenable locally
compact groups and some related ideals in group algebras
- Jeffrey, Lisa - Gauge theories and flat connections on Riemann surfaces
- Kaniuth, Eberhard - Hardy's uncertainty principle for Lie groups
- Karassev, Alexandre - Approximations and selections of multivalued mappings
- Kawamura, Kazuhiro - Suspensions of the Hawaiian earring
- Keesling, James E. - Adding machines and the quadratic family of maps
- Kharaghani, Hadi - w-shift matrices and applications
- Khoshkam, Mahmood - Regular representations of groupoids
- Kirkland, Steve - A bound on algebraic connectivity for graphs with cutpoints
- Kisilevsky, Hershy - Vanishing and non-vanishing of twisted L-functions
- Kuhlmann, Franz-Viktor - Additive polynomials and the model theory of valued fields in
positive characteristic
- Kuhlmann, Salma - Lexicographic chains
- Lemire, Frank - A duality theorem for torsion free modules of symplectic Lie
- Leroux, Pierre - Enumeration of symmetry classes of convex and parallelogram
- Li, Chi-Kwong - Linear Preserver Problems: A gentle introduction and some
recent results
- Li, Hai sheng - A certain higher dimensional analogue of vertex algebras
- Lisonek, Petr - Geometric representations of graphs
- Liu, Jim - The total chromatic numbers of joins of sparse graphs
- Loveys, Jim - To be confirmed
- MacDonald, Gordon - N-transitivity and the complementation property
- Madras, Neal - Self-avoiding walks on hyperbolic graphs
- Maissen, James - Constructing locally connected invariant sets of p-adic
- Makkai, Michael - Logic and D. G. Quillen's homotopical algebra
- Marcoux, Laurent - Weak amenability of triangular Banach algebras
- Maroulas, John - On compressions of normal matrices
- Marshall, Murray - Open questions in the theory of spaces of orderings
- Martin, Bill - Bounds on error-correcting codes via the Terwilliger algebra
of the n-cube
- Martin, Greg - Squarefree values of trinomial discriminants
- Mayer, John C. - Rotational invariant sets for covering maps of the circle
- Meyer, Carl - Replacing the SVD in LSI and information retrieval
- Miao, Tianxuan - On the multiplier algebra of Ap(G)
- Miller, Chris - Hausdorff dimension, analytic sets and transcendence
- Misiolek, Gerard - Well-posedness results for an integrable evolution equation
- Morgan, Dave - To be announced
- Morris, Joy - Normal circulant graphs
- Murty, Kumar - To be announced
- Murty, Ram - Pair correlation conjecture and the Chebotarev density theorem
- Nagatomo, Kiyokazu - Finiteness of conformal blocks and C2 finiteness
- Nakamura, Yoshimasa - Solving integrable systems in terms of continued fractions
- Neher, Erhart - Lie superalgebras graded by 3-graded root systems
- Neufang, Matthias - Abstract harmonic analysis and quantized functional analysis
- Ng, Nathan - The summatory function of the Mobius function
- Nowakowski, Richard - Well-covered (weightings of) graphs
- Olesky, Dale - Successively-ordered elementary bidiagonal factorization
- Orzech, Grace Orzech and Morris - Dealing with dimension & teaching and learning issues
- Oversteegen, Lex G. - In-channels for negatively oriented maps of the plane
- Owczarek, Aleks - An infinite hierarchy of exact scaling functions
- Pelloni, Beatrice - Applications of the Fokas transform method to the study of
boundary value problems for PDEs in two dimensions
- Pianzola, Arturo - A geometric interpretation of affine Kac-Moody Lie algebra
- Pinner, Christopher - A bound for a complete exponential sum modp
- Pippenger, Nicholas - Random Boolean functions
- Pitassi, Toniann - To be announced
- Prajs, Janusz R. - Confluent mappings and arc property of Kelley
- Rabinowitz, Sherry May and Michael - To be announced
- Rechnitzer, Andrew - Polymer adsorption and Dyck-paths
- Reyes, Enrique - On differential geometry and integrability
- Richter, Bruce - 3-connected subsets of the sphere embed uniquely
- Roy, Damien - Interpolation on perturbations of cartesian products
- Runde, Volker - Operator Figà-Talamanca-Herz algebras
- Saint-Aubin, Yvan - Non-unitarity of some observables of the critical 2d Ising model
- Sattinger, David - Solitary wave interactions for the Euler-Poisson equations
- Schoutens, Hans - Determining the number of equations of an affine curve
- Schulz, Eckart - Continuous and semi-discrete tight frames on Rn
- Seyffarth, Karen - Graph products with small cycle double covers
- Shami, Ziv - Towards a binding group theorem for simple theories
- Shivakumar, P.N. - Some nonsingular matrices and their applications
- Sierpinska, Anna - Is it enough to `understand' when learning mathematics? Is
it necessary?
- Simon, Barry - Singular continuous spectra for Schrodinger operators
- Simon, Barry - The A-function approach to inverse spectral theory
- Slade, Gordon - High-dimensional networks of self-avoiding walks
- Sokal, Alan - Potts models, chromatic polynomials, and all that
- Solomon, Reed - The effective content of spaces of orders on groups and fields
- Soteros, Chris - Random knotting and linking in lattice models of polymers
- Steele, John - To be announced
- Stewart, Cam - Multivariate Diophantine equations with many solutions
- Sumners, De Witt - Calculating the secrets of life: mathematics in biology
and medicine
- Sumners, De Witt - Using knots to analyze DNA packing in viral capsids
- Tardif, Claude - A fractional version of Hedetniemi's conjecture
- Tent, Katrin - BN-pairs of finite Morley rank
- Tsatsomeros, Michael - Perron-Frobenius type results on the numerical range
- Tuncali, H. Murat - On dimensionally restricted maps
- Ursell, John H. - An elementary proof of the second case of Fermat's last
- Valov, Vesko - Selections and finite-dimensional spaces
- Waldschmidt, Michel - Polylogarithms and multiple zeta values
- Whittington, Stu - Localization transition in a randomly coloured self-avoiding walk
- Willard, Ross - Palyutin's h-formulas and a problem from universal algebra
- Williams, Hugh - Some computational results concerning Yokoi's conjecture
- Wood, Peter - Invariant complementation and projectivity in A(G)
- Woodrow, Robert E. - Absorbing sets in arc-coloured tournaments
- Woolgar, Alan Cooper and Eric - Web-based resources for teaching and learning: building a
location and retrieval service for the Canadian mathematical
- Yassini, Khalid El
- Yoshii, Yoji - A simple characterization of the core of an EALA
- Yu, Roger - Matching extension problem
- Zaicev, Mikhail - To be announced
- Zhang, Yong - Approximate identities for ideals of Segal algebras on a compact
- Zhou, Youchen - On Moeckel-like boundary of the local Siegel disk
- Zhou, Youcheng - A note on the self-homeomorphisms of solenoid and bucket handle
- Zizler, Peter - Norms of sampling operators