
 Sender: Canadian Mathematical Society Discussion Group
   From: Kathy Heinrich 
Subject: staff support

Following my questions re. staff support I received the following responses.
As you no doubt realise one of the difficulties with this information is
not knowing what tasks it is necessary that the dept perform (eg is financial
work done in the dept or elsewhere, size of grad program, etc etc).  It also
does not include data on non-tenre track faculty in the department.

Anyway, I present them to you for information.



    Department (Nov.'95)       No.Tenured & TT Faculty        No. Staff
| Alberta                   |          63               |   7 full, 2 pt |
|  Mathematical Sciences    |                           |                |
| British Columbia          |          52               |       8        |
|  Mathematics              |                           |                |
| Calgary                   |          41               |       7        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Concordia                 |          39.5             |       5        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Dalhousie                 |          36               |       4        |
|  Math/Statistic/Computing |                           |                |
| Guelph                    |          28               |       4        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Lakehead                  |          19.3             |       1        |
|  Mathematical Sciences    |                           |                |
| McGill                    |          44               |       6        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| McMaster                  |          38               |       7        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Manitoba                  |          10.5             |       1        |
|  Applied Mathematics      |                           |                |
| Manitoba                  |          30               |       3        |
|  Mathematics & Astronomy  |                           |                |
| Memorial                  |          42               |       5        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Montreal                  |          52               |       9        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Mount Allison             |           8               |       1 pt     |
|  Mathemtics & Computing   |                           |                |
| New Brunswick             |          22.5             |       3        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Ottawa                    |          29               |       5        |
|  Mathematics              |                           |                |
| Queens                    |          36.5             |       7        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| New Brunswick, St. John   |          12               |       1        |
|  Math/Stat/Computing Sci  |                           |                |
| Regina                    |          22               |       1        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Royal Military College    |          24               |       1        |
|  Mathematics & Cmpt Sci   |                           |                |
| Saskatchewan              |          25               |       3        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Simon Fraser              |          35.5             |       7        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Toronto                   |          59               |       7        |
|  Mathematics              |                           |                |
| Victoria                  |          27               |       4        |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |
| Waterloo                  |          21               |       3        |
|  Combinatorics & Optimiz  |                           |                |
|---------------------------|-------------------------- |----------------|
| Waterloo                  |          22               |       3        |
|  Pure Mathematics         |                           |                |
| Western Ontario           |          21               |       4        |
|  Mathematics ex Appl Math |                           |                |
| Wilfred Laurier           |           9               |   1 full,2 pt  |
|  Mathematics              |                           |                |
| York                      |          49.3             |       7.5      |
|  Mathematics & Statistics |                           |                |